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Now that Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris will transition to her new role in the White House, a
Los Angeles County spent hundreds of millions of dollars on a new voting system.
Tuesday, Cal State Long Beach virtually launched a center that aims to eliminate educational disp
After a contentious election, Americans voted for a new President.
Political Science Professor Jason Whitehead, talks to
Political Science Professor Kevin Wallsten, explains to the
Cal State Long Beach researchers say they've tagged tripple the amount of sharks on the coast tha
It is believed that the ability to think spatially helps students to pursue STEM careers.
Now that the polls are close, the nation is anxiously waiting as ballots that were cast are being
Art History Professor Nizan Shaked talks to the
Cal State Long Beach SharkLab Director, Chris Lowe, explains to the
If passed, Proposition 16 would reinstate affirmative action in California.