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Cal State Long Beach is routinely recognized as a 
Cal State Long Beach recently announced its new Provost and Senior Vice President.
This year, unaccompanied children have arrived at the U.S.
California is a state that has had, and continues to have, extreme wildfires.
There is an increase in baby sharks at local beaches, according to Director of the SharkLab, Chri
The City of Long Beach launched a pilot program that guarantees an income to families struggling
Seiji Steimetz is the chair of the Department of Economics.
There's a surge in space companies in Los Angeles County.
The Corpse Flower at Cal State Long Beach bloomed this week.
Census data is expected to be released this summer.
Joseph Valadez recently graduated from Cal State Long Beach with a 3.67 GPA.
Ben Hagedorn, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Geological Sciences, was awarded $200,000, al