DLBA Entrepreneurship & Small Business Education Series

The Entrepreneur and Small Business Education Series is a partnership between the Downtown Long Beach Alliance and The Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship at CSULB. The education series is focused on providing the tools and skills needed to start and run a successful business. The Entrepreneur and Small Business Education Series is a six-week program. Cal State Long Beach University will provide a certificate of accomplishment to those who complete the entire program.
Past Events
4th Annual DLBA Entrepreneurship Education Series!
Curriculum schedule:
Week 1: The Value of a Business Plan, April 10
- What is a Business Plan
- Creating a Business Model Canvas
Week 2: Your Marketing Plan, April 17
- Writing your Marketing Plan
- How to do Digital Marketing
Week 3: Financial Aspects of Your Business, April 24
- Accounting Basics
- Funding Opportunities – Becoming Bankable!
Week 4: Where to Locate Your Business, May 1
- Site Selection
- Negotiate A Lease
Week 5: Legal and HR Questions, May 8
- Legal Structures
- Human Resource Basics
Week 6: June 1, * PitchFest:
A certificate ceremony – Participants that have attended all 10 modules will walk out with a certificate and a self-developed business plan in hand.
Furthermore, businesses that have attended all 10 modules will also be eligible to pitch to a panel of judges for an opportunity to receive prize money from Farmers & Merchants Bank totaling $20,000.
Pitchfest is for all qualified potential award recipients to present their business plan. All start-up or expansion costs are itemized and defined in the applicant’s week 6 pitch.
Week 7: June 9, *DLBA Economic Development Committee
Target Audience: Existing and Potential Downtown Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Start-Ups, and Small Business owners
Potential Class Size: 30-50 per session
Education Series Facilitators
- Dr. Ingrid Martin, California State University, Long Beach – College of Business
- Dr. Wade Martin, California State University, Long Beach – Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Diana Sifford, California State University, Long Beach – College of Business
- Sabrina Landa, California State University, Long Beach – College of Business
- Dr. Kerri Cissna, California State University, Long Beach – College of Business
- Aleks Lason,VP and Chief Operating Officer at Chrilleks
- Austin Metoyer, Economic Development & Policy Manager at Downtown Long Beach Alliance
- Ashleigh Stone, Esq., Owner & Principal Attorney of Stone Law Firm
- Kari Armstrong, Small Business Development Center – Long Beach
3rd Annual DLBA Entrepreneurship Education Series!
Curriculum Schedule:
Week 1: The Value of a Business Plan, April 20
- Starting a Business
- Business Planning
Week 2: Your Marketing Plan, April 27
- Writing your Marketing Plan
- How to do Digital Marketing
Week 3: Financial Aspects of Your Business, May 4
- Funding Opportunities
- Accounting Basics
Week 4: Where to Locate Your Business, May 11
- Site Selection
- Negotiating a Lease
Week 5: Legal and HR Questions, May 18
- Legal Structure
- Human Resource Basics
- Pitch Presentation Break Out
May 25 - No Workshop, Holiday Weekend (Memorial Day)
Week 6: Pitch Competition and a certificate ceremony, June 1
- Participants that have attended all 10 modules will walk out with a certificate and a self-developed business plan in hand
- Pitch Competition is for all qualified potential award recipients to present their business plan to the award committee composed of members from DLBA’s Economic Development Committee and Long Beach business leaders
Check out the complete schedule (PDF)
Get to know the series instructors (PDF)
CSULB Alumni, Entrepreneur and Long Beach Mayor, Robert Garcia, speaks to the participants at the first meeting of the DLBA Entrepreneurship Education Series! Subscribe to the IIE Youtube channel and watch all our videos.