New ArXiv Preprint from Ojeda-Aristizabal Group

Published September 29, 2023

Dr. Claudia Ojeda-Aristizabal’s group recently published an Applied Physics Letter on electronic transport mechanisms in a thin crystal of the Kitaev candidate 𝛼-RuCl3.

structural phase transition in a thin crystal
Fig. Signature of structural phase transition in a thin crystal of 𝛼-RuCl3. I-V characteristics of a separate thin crystal device of 𝛼-RuCl3, measured up to 175 K, where a stricking change in the conductance of the sample at 160 K can be observed, best seen in the inset, where the current from I-V curves at different temperatures was extracted as bias voltage 1 V.

Read: Electronic transport mechanisms in a thin crystal of the Kitaev candidate α-RuCl3 probed through guarded high impedance measurements

screenshot of Applied Physics Letters article

About Ojeda-Aristizabal Group

We are interested in the exciting phenomena occurring at the nanoscale, from the quantum coherent behavior of electrons in layered materials to the macroscopic effects ruling electrons living in two dimensions. We are excited by materials that are "layered" because we can reduce their dimensionality, which brings a wealth of phenomena characteristic of 2-D systems and opens the door to experimental techniques that are not possible for their parent crystals.

Read more: Nanoelectronics Group