CNSM at Home - September 2020
A Message from the Dean

Dear Faculty & Staff,
Welcome to our new CNSM at Home monthly newsletter!
We thought this would be a nice way to keep in touch and stay updated on some of the goings on in the college.
As I mentioned, I’ll be alternating my Dean’s Message between a direct email to you and this newsletter.
This week, we lost a giant.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg was a fearless and undaunted trailblazer in the fight for gender equality - and even those words fall short in describing what she has achieved in her lifetime.
Though we are deeply saddened by this loss, we are fortunate to be able to reflect on all that Justice Ginsberg gave to this country. And we can rise up within ourselves to continue her fight for equality and justice in our own world of STEM.
Even in death, Justice Ginsberg is breaking barriers. She will be the first woman to lie in state at the capitol. I encourage you all, if you haven’t already, to learn more about her and her tireless fight for equality among the sexes.
She was the subject of a great documentary called R.B.G. that is available for rent on YouTube, Amazon, and Hulu. It makes for an inspiring and educational movie night!
On Wednesday, we also heard that no one was criminally charged with killing Breonna Taylor reminding us how important it is to continue working for social justice. To this end, on Wednesday, the academic affairs leadership team met with facilitators from the California Conference for Equality and Justice in the first of four meetings to help guide CSULB in becoming more anti-racist in our actions.
Finally, Shana Tova to those of you who celebrate the Jewish holy days.
Be well, stay safe, and be just,
Meet our Newest Faculty Members

If you haven't already, take a moment to get to know our new faculty members.
News of Note
Lab Innovations

Ever-changing public health guidelines have forced us to come up with alternate ways to teach and keep our lab classes interactive. Read more about what some departments are doing to innovate the way we deliver our lab classes.
Ancient Bacteria in Frozen Soil

As part of a collaboration with the USGS and CSUN, Dr. Renaud Berlemont, associate professor of Biological Sciences at CSULB, recently contributed to research analyzing samples of ancient soil trapped in Arctic ice from roughly 33,000 years ago.
Call for Committee Nominations
College-Wide Fall 2020 Election (Tenured, Probationary–TT Faculty, and FERP–Active Semester)
University Level Service:
- Academic Senate (One opening - T/TT)
- Graduate Studies Advisory Committee (NEW) (One opening - Graduate Advisor or Coordinator)
College-Wide Fall 2020 Election (Tenured, Probationary–TT Faculty, and FERP–Active Semester)
College Level Service:
- CNSM Professional Leave Committee
- CNSM RTP Committee
Elected by the College Council Following Nomination at the Department Level
- Proposal Review Committee
Appointed by the Dean (Nominations Accepted and Encouraged)
- CNSM Grade Appeals Committee
- CNSM Elections Committee
- CNSM Faculty Awards Committee
- CNSM Ad-Hoc Scholarship Committee
Committee Insights: Scholarship Committee
The CNSM Ad Hoc Scholarship Committee plays the very important role of connecting our donors' donations with our students. The committee reviews scholarship applications submitted through Beach Scholarships in the Spring Semester during March and April. Eight to ten faculty members (Tenured, Tenure Track, FERP, and Lecturers) are sought to serve on this committee. If you'd like to do this service, contact Margaret Karteron.
Keeping Up with CNSM - Hobbies and Interests
I started roller skating in Summer 2019 after meeting a woman in Long Beach who had light-up wheels on her skates. I was so inspired by her and thought it would be a really fun summer activity, especially since I grew up dancing.

I went to Moxie Skate Shop in Long Beach, CA and rolled out of the shop with a new pair of skates. I didn't know how to use the breaks, or stop for that matter, but I made my way home slowly. Over the last year, I've learned how to skate forward and backwards, how to turn, and am currently working on learning how to spin. I have taken a couple of skate-dance classes in Santa Monica, as well! My latest skating accomplishment is riding down Junipero hill in Long Beach.

When I skate, I feel free! There is a beautiful synergy between pushing forward and then allowing myself to glide through space, enjoying the hard work I put in just a few seconds before. Skating has been a huge creative outlet for me, too. I often listen to music and dance along to the beat. Movement has always been a form of therapy for me, so roller-skating has been an essential activity for me through the pandemic.
I learned to sew in high school by sewing patches onto my clothes, bags, and backpacks. My husband and I met and bonded over a love of punk and ska music. We have spent a lot of time just sitting, talking, and sewing patches onto vests or shirts (commonly called "battle jackets"). We make these the traditional way by sewing with large needles and using dental floss as thread. Once you've finished a string of floss, you burn the edges so it stays put - you don't want any patches flying off while you're working your way through a mosh pit! We collect patches and fabric, and when we eventually have enough we will sit down and make a new bag or vest. We also make vests for our two sons (Finn & Link) and family and friends.

I am still learning to embroider. It takes a much more deft touch than sewing patches onto battle jackets, but I've been enjoying it over the course of the stay-at-home orders.

Personalized embroidered items make for great gifts!
I made this little hat is for my niece Magnolia.
Home Work Spaces

Sonia Santos - CNSM Academic Advisor

Dr. Curtis Bennett - Richard D. Green Dean of CNSM

Allie Puz - CNSM Communications & PR Coordinator
Stay Safe & Healthy CNSM!