
Option in Community Health Education

The Community Health Education option is designed for persons whose occupational objective is to serve as a community health educator with a public, not for profit or corporate health agency.

The basic University requirements for graduation with a B.S. Degree in Health Science consist of:

  1. Completion of general education requirements
  2. Completion of all courses identified on the Program Planner for the Option selected, with no grade lower than a “C” for each listed course or approved substitute
  3. Completion of a minimum of 120 units, at least 40 units of which must be upper division. Upper division courses are numbered 300 to 499.

Students may elect to complete a specialized track under the Community Health Education Option. For more information, visit our Tracks page.


Option in School Health Education

The School Health Option is designed for persons who wish to become health science teachers in California middle and high schools. The program is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and meets subject matter competence requirements for the Single Subject Teaching Credential in Health Science. Prospective students should consult the department’s Health Science Single Subject Advisor early to plan their program.

The basic University requirements for graduation with a B.S. Degree in Health Science consist of:

  1. Completion of general education requirements
  2. Completion of all courses identified on the Program Planner for the Option selected, with no grade lower than a “C” for each listed course or approved substitute
  3. Completion of a minimum of 120 units, at least 40 units of which must be upper division. Upper division courses are numbered 300 to 499

Single Subject Teaching Credential in Health Science 

In addition to meeting the subject matter competence requirement for the Single Subject Teaching Credential in Health Science, prospective health teachers are also required to complete an additional 45 units of professional preparation in the Single Subject Credential Program, including student teaching. (see program requirements below for more information.) 

Single Subject Teaching Credential in Health Science

In addition to meeting the subject matter competence requirement for the Single Subject Teaching Credential in Health Science, prospective health teachers are also required to complete an additional 45 units of professional preparation in the Single Subject Credential Program, including student teaching. Students may begin the professional preparation courses as early as the junior year. With careful planning, it is possible to complete all of the credential program courses, except for student teaching as an undergraduate. Courses may also be completed as a post-baccalaureate student. Refer to the Single Subject Teacher Education section of this catalog or the Single Subject Credential Program website (www.ced.csulb.edu/single-subject) for a description of the professional preparation requirements, courses, and application procedures.

The Health Science Subject Matter Program is being revised to meet new state standards. When the revised program has been approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the new course requirements will be in effect and supersede current requirements.