Dean's Fund for Excellence
With a focus on preparing the clinical-care, health and wellness, and civic leaders of tomorrow, the College of Health & Human Services, led by Dean Monica Lounsbery, is the academic unit that works most directly to fulfill CSULB’s ever-expanding public mission. The hallmark of a CHHS education is the integration of coursework with community-engaged learning and research, with classes and mentoring providing by a corps of highly dedicated, diversely talented faculty members who are established scholars and practitioners in their respective fields.
Support the Dean's Fund For Excellence
When you give a gift to the Dean’s Fund for Excellence you help ensure the College has resources needed to meet the opportunities, challenges, and demands to advance the many goals of a renowned faculty and outstanding student body. Funds allow the College to direct resources to its highest and most urgent priorities. The Dean’s set of initiatives support a stronger research environment, increased opportunities to enhance student success, and provide increased collaboration between the College and community partners.

CHHS is building the infrastructure for a community health center that would support the aging population in Long Beach. The highly skilled professionals across our institution’s colleges and departments would collaborate and build upon geriatric research and program evaluation. The center would house varied programs and services that gift faculty-mentored students opportunities to work directly with older adults to help them overcome barriers to successful aging.
Clinical Care & Prevention and Health Disparities
We have a collective need to increase the number of students entering the workforce as clinical practitioners who have the knowledge and skills to address health equity through a focus on the social determinates of health. Investments in clinical education will expand access to student learning experiences in centers, clinics, and health-related community projects.
A Transformative Space
The College is in the design phase for a brand-new transformative space to reimagine the education of our future healthcare workforce and prepare them to meet the diverse needs of our community. The new building will have a state-of-the-art test kitchen and lab to accommodate interdisciplinarity between Hospitality Management, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Food Science. Naming opportunities available upon request.
Give to the Dean's Excellence Fund Here
If you have questions please contact Jennifer Moore, CHHS Director of Development, or 562.985.2628