Manufacturing & Robotics
Ehsan Barjasteh
Research lab
Dr. Ehsan Barjasteh has over 10 years of industry experience with development and manufacturing of polymer composite materials for commercial and aerospace applications. He has consulted at Composite Technology Corp., Henkel Aerospace, and Tencate Advanced Composites since 2007. The focus of his industry career was to develop lightweight products and processes to increase material performance and reduce manufacturing cost. He was a visiting scholar at McGill Composite Center at USC in 2015. His research focuses on development and optimization of advanced polymer and composite materials and processes. He obtained his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from University of Southern California in 2011.
Emel Demircan
Research lab
Dr. Demircan researches how motor control dictates human movement, multi-body dynamics and control, and simulation and analysis of biomechanical and robotic systems. The research could advance rehabilitation and assistive robotics, cyber-physical systems, and sports biomechanics. Dr. Demircan obtained her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University in 2012. She was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford from 2012-2014, a visiting assistant professor at University of Tokyo from 2014-2015, and a part-time scientist at Stanford's Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital Gait Analysis Lab. Dr. Demircan collaborates with clinical, athletic and industrial partners and has received grants from the NSF and the NIH. She holds a joint appointment in the Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering departments.
Panadda Marayong
Research lab
Dr. Panadda (Nim) Marayong is a Professor and the Director of the Robotics and Interactive Systems Engineering (RISE) Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at CSULB. She received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University. Her primary research interests are in the areas of robotics, haptics, and design of human-machine cooperative systems for application in rehabilitation, aviation safety, and manufacturing. Currently she serves as the Director of the Research Enrichment Core and one of the PIs of the NIH-funded CSULB BUILD Program. In addition to research, she has actively been involved in numerous educational outreach programs that promote STEM to K-12 students. She was the recipient of the 2012 CSULB President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW’S) Advancement of Women Faculty Award and 2019 Orange County Engineering Council’s Distinguished and Pioneer Educator Award. She is a member of ASEE, IEEE, SWE, and Tau Beta Pi.
Hamid Rahai
Dr. Rahai is founding director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Research & Services (CEERS), COE Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies, and a professor in CSULB’s Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and Biomedical Engineering departments. He has supervised over 70 MS theses and projects and PhD dissertations, and authored more than 90 papers and presentations. He has overseen more than $6 million in grants and contracts from the National Science Foundation, Federal Highway Administration, California Energy Commission, California Air Resources Board, Port of Los Angeles, Caltrans, Boeing, Southern California Edison, Long Beach Airport, Long Beach Transit, and private industries. The holder of two awarded patents in wind energy and four pending patents for drag reduction of vehicles and aircraft, vehicle emission controls, and patient-specific diagnostic systems of lung function, Dr. Rahai is a Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors and the recipient of a 2004 Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award and 2014 Outstanding Engineering Educator Award from the Orange County Engineering Council.