Forms and Petitions

If seeking admission into a business graduate-level course, please contact the Business Graduate Programs Office directly.


If you need assistance with online submission college support forms please visit the office at COB-100. 


CSULB Undergraduate Students may request to change their major to business using this COB online form.  This is for a Non-COB Major option changing to a COB Major Option only.  

Change of  NON-COB Major or Option to COB Major

Instructions for Changing a COB Major to another COB Major: Start the process with your COB CSS advisor email: 

First, navigate to any College of Business minors requirement page for the College of Business department and then review these department requirements then review the CSULB Catalog to confirm current requirements, To proceed then use the minor admission request form below to begin the College of Business minor approval process. See the related minor advisor if you have specific questions. Please read the Official  Minor Declaration Policy Statement to be aware of the requirements.

Minors Admission Requests

To determine domestic course equivalency from another institution to meet major requirements. This form is to be strictly used by students declared in a College of Business option. Students interested in approval for a study abroad course, please use the "Pre-Departure Transfer Credit Advising Form" (Study Abroad) form. This form is for one course and one university substitution. Please use the "special request form" to request mixed schools and multi-courses equivalency.

POLICY NOTICE: COB prohibits fully asynchronous online course substitutions.  Requests for "course substitutions" must be taught either in-person or synchronously, scheduled at a specific day and time.

Petition for Substitution / Equivalency

For students interested in approval for a study abroad course(s). The student must have completed the advising session with the Center for International Education (CIE) before using this form to approve study abroad course(s) to be eligible for transfer credit.

Pre-Departure Transfer Credit Request (Study Abroad)

Request for a permit to enroll in a course when the prerequisite(s) have been or are being taken at a different higher education institution or being taken in the current semester. A permit does not mean that you are enrolled in the course. You will still need to officially enroll in the course through Helpful link to MYCSULB.   Not a prerequisite issue or Upper-division see Permission to Add classes information.

Permit Request

Login here and fill in your Request for Special Consideration if Directed.

The form is not intended for the following requests: 

  • College of Business minors
  • Pre-Departure Transfer Credit Advising Form (Study Abroad)
  • Petition for Substitution (Domestic) 
  • Scholarships
  • Grade Appeals
  • Major Dismissal Appeals

Request for Special Consideration

This form is to be used to appeal dismissal from the College of Business, after failing to raise a major GPA to at least a 2.0 after a probationary semester.

Appeal for a Dismissal from Major

For upper-division major courses that are over ten years old. Students need to have courses that are ten years old or older revalidated. 

Please contact to request revalidation of older courses.

Visit Community College Articulation Grid to find the most up-to-date transfer information from 40 of the California community colleges, where courses may be taken and transferred to CSULB to meet the business's lower-division core requirements. Learn more about current course articulation (course to course agreements) by visiting ASSIST.

Marketing and IB students enrolled in CBA-493 Internship Course and having an internship relevant to their academic concentration are eligible to use CBA-493 as an elective, pending final approval from the Department Chair/Director.  Management, Human Resource Management, and Operations & Supply Chain Management may request to have CBA 493 substituted for an Option Elective pending approval from this form, plus the Petition for Substitution process. Use this form to get College of Business approval:  Petition to use CBA-493 Internship Course as an Elective

More information on the College of Business CERTIFICATE OFFICIAL POLICY STATEMENT and Certificate Applications 


Students should consider reviewing the CSULB Academic Senate Policy PS 11-09 Grade Appeal Procedure. The grade appeals file must be delivered to the department chair/program director within the first 40 instructional days of the regular semester immediately following the semester or special session in which the course was completed, and must include the following.

  1. This Grade Appeal Form;
  2. A written statement describing the reasons for the appeal and the recommendation for a new grade; and
  3. Supporting documents, such as the class syllabus, exams, papers, assignments, or other corroborating documents that show evidence of the alleged improper grading.

Grade Appeal Form(.pdf)