
Shopping for textbooks can be an overwhelming experience for students. A national study of nearly 6,000 college students conducted in 2020 found that 65% skipped out on buying at least one of their required textbooks because they couldn’t afford it, even though they knew it might affect their grade in the class. In addition, textbook costs have risen one thousand percent since the 1970s, and four times the rate of inflation since the early 2000s (Jenkins, 2020).

We’re taking the stress out of textbook shopping. 

Starting in Fall 2024, Day 1 Textbook Access (D1TA) will address these problems, making sure students have the option to access all their required textbooks on the first day of class, at an affordable and consistent price.

CSULB students have long advocated to increase college affordability, including the reduction of textbook prices. In Spring 2020, the ASI Senate adopted a textbook resolution in support of CSULB’s inclusive access program, Day 1 Digital Access (D1DA). D1DA, like other programs in the Cal State System and other systems nationally, has seen great popularity among students, providing more affordable digital textbooks since its inception in 2019.

The CSU Chancellor’s Office has long supported digital textbooks, and after several years of success, D1DA is now being transitioned to D1TA, where students pay one flat rate and receive all their materials by the first day of class. Also, on the heels of D1DA’S success, in Fall 2023, the ASI Senate adopted a resolution supporting the Day 1 Textbook Access program to extend the benefits of digital textbooks to the entire campus.

In Fall 2024, we will launch D1TA, bringing the digital-first model to all students across campus. 

D1TA is priced at $250 per semester for full-time students and $165 per semester for part-time students, and student participation in the program is voluntary. All students are enrolled upon class registration and can choose to opt out by the last day to add or drop classes without approval, if they prefer. 

Institutions of higher education have long struggled in making textbooks more accessible and affordable, as the traditional model has continually fallen short in promoting student success. D1TA, in alignment with campus affordability and sustainability objectives and the tenets of Graduation Initiative 2025, recognizes current and future students’ learning preferences, and will bring them predictability of cost, convenience, and most importantly, access to the course materials that will support their academic success.

Achieving Student Success Through


D1TA provides students with access to all their required textbooks at one price, on the first day of classes each semester. Starting in Fall 2024, students will arrive on campus with day-one access to all their textbooks via Canvas.

Two students studying outside the Nugget Grill and Pub looking at two tech devices.
Two students studying using an iPad to reference their textbook.


All required textbooks will be delivered for one low, predictable, flat rate, which significantly increases affordability and should positively affect academic outcomes. The cost can be covered by financial aid and is the same price regardless of major.


Using a digital-first model, D1TA provides digital course materials whenever available. This will substantially decrease CSULB’s carbon footprint through decreased printing and shipping of physical books. 

Girl smiling while looking at an iPad studying.