Careers - College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics [CNSM] comprises the Departments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Geological Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics and Astronomy, and Science Education. The College has 123 full-time faculty, 56 support staff, and 2,900 student majors and enrolls over 20,000 students each semester. The College budget exceeds $13M, augmented by over $7M in external funding. The College distinguishes itself through its emphasis on research and education, and through its active role in the Long Beach K-16 Education Partnership. We are committed to undergraduate and graduate research in providing a student-centered environment typical of a smaller institution while employing the resources of a large, urban university. The quality of our programs has been recognized by grants from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, The W.M. Keck Foundation, Research Corporation, Sea Grant, and by numerous awards from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. The College's science facilities complex was completed with the opening of the new 164,000+ sq. ft. Hall of Science building in fall 2011.

PLEASE CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENT OFFICE FOR MORE INFORMATION BY WRITING TO: Chair, Department of [  ], California State University, Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90840. Applications vary by department. Military service may be included in employment history.

Recruitment NumberDepartmentDiscipline/SubspecialtyJob Title
Tenured/ Tenure-Track
Part-time lecturer positions can be found on the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics website.
Teaching Associates, Graduate Assistants & Instructional Student Assistants
For a list of current TA, GA and ISA positions within the College of Natural Science and Mathematics, please visit the CNSM Job Opportunities Web page.