All workshops are online unless stated otherwise. Please note that all workshops require registration using your campus email address. After registering, you will receive an automated email confirming your registration and the Zoom link/room ID.
Notes For Workshops
- Students may not record the workshop.
- The UWC does not provide recordings of workshops.
- The UWC does not share the PowerPoint slides. Instead, handouts will be shared using the Zoom chat function. To obtain a copy of handouts after attending a workshop, please email
- For any concerns or questions, please email
Essay Writing Series

The UWC offers online essay writing series workshops. These online workshops will provide tips and strategies on common writing topics, such as the thesis statement, organization, and revision strategies. The following are the descriptions for our workshops:
- The Organization Workshop will review the best tips for organizing your papers, show you brainstorming/outline examples, and more!
- The Revision Strategies Workshop will help you decide what aspects to focus on when revising your papers -- learn what to prioritize and what not to -- and how to make appropriate revisions.
- The Proofreading Workshop will provide strategies to proofread and edit your papers at the sentence level. Some common errors that will be reviewed include boundary errors (e.g. fragments, comma splices, run-ons), agreement errors (e.g. subject-verb agreement and pronoun-antecedent agreement), coordination, and subordination.
- Organization Workshop: Friday, March 14
- 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Revision Workshop: Friday, March 21
- 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Proofreading Workshop: Friday, March 28
- 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Click here to register or scan the QR code!
Workshop Descriptions
This workshop is designed to add another tool to the undergraduate composition toolbox. It exposes students to several types of two-part argumentative thesis statements that can be used to effectively answer most lower-division writing assignments. There will be practice activities and discussion of how to support the thesis. This workshop allots time for students to work on creating or revising thesis statements for their current writing assignments with one-on-one assistance from UWC tutors.
In this workshop, students will learn how to write catchy and purposeful introductions and conclusions. The workshop includes tutorial videos and sample essays and paragraphs designed to help students understand various strategies they can utilize when writing their own introductions and conclusions. Time will be allotted for students to write or revise the introduction and conclusion for a piece of their own work, and UWC tutors will be available to give students one-on-one feedback.
In this workshop students will learn the art of the purposeful paragraph. It begins with a discussion of author intention and what it means to be an author with a purpose. It will engage students in a discussion of the different types of paragraphs and how and why authors make choices to use one type of paragraph over another. This workshop allots time for students to analyze different types of paragraphs as well as discuss their own paragraph choices using their current writing assignments.
In this workshop, students will learn reverse outlining as a strategy for essay revision. By learning to reverse outline their essays, students will also learn to generate more effective topic sentences and paragraphs that directly support their essays’ thesis statements. For this workshop, students will be required to bring in a piece of their own writing so that they can practice the skills being taught at the workshop. UWC tutors will be on hand to assists students individually as necessary.
This workshop will teach students to find the errors in their own writing by helping them create personal proofreading checklists. Then students will learn how to use their checklists to find their mistakes more easily and accurately. Students will also be practicing newly learned strategies by editing a piece of their own writing with assistance from UWC tutors.
Citation & Formatting Series:
This workshop will educate students about academic plagiarism as well as offer detailed explanations and guided exercises on preventing plagiarism through the proper use of direct quotation and paraphrase. Tutors will be available to assist students individually with questions, and students are encouraged to bring in their own work so they can practice their newly acquired skills with the tutors.
This workshop will discuss the fundamentals of MLA citation and formatting of quoted and paraphrased content, in-text citations, and entries on the works cited page. Guided and individual exercises will allow students to put their new MLA knowledge to work with the assistance of tutors. As always, students are encouraged to bring their own work.
This workshop will cover the fundamentals of APA citation and formatting of headings, quoted and paraphrased content, in-text citations, and entries on the list of references. Guided and individual exercises will allow students to put their new APA knowledge to work with the assistance of tutors. As always, students are encouraged to bring their own work.
GWAR Placement Exam (GPE) Series:
In this workshop, students will learn about the format of GPE prompts and will practice deciphering and responding to prompts quickly and effectively. Students will work with sample prompts to create quick outlines with the help of UWC tutors.
This workshop will expose students to several types of thesis statements that they can use to effectively answer most GPE prompts. With the help of UWC tutors, students will work with sample GPE prompts to practice writing effective thesis statements.
In this workshop, students will learn strategies to help them prepare to take the GPE, including time management and pre-writing techniques that will help them approach any timed writing situation.
This workshop provides students with revising and editing strategies to use when writing a timed essay, such as the GPE.
NOTE: All workshops can be adapted to meet the specific needs of any department or college. Contact Dr. Tina Matuchniak for more information.