Planned Giving and Stewardship

The Beach’s journey to national prominence has been fueled, in part, by our most dedicated supporters, including those who have had a long, diverse history of philanthropy with the institution, served in leadership positions, and chosen to create a permanent legacy at the university through a planned gift. Our Planned Giving and Stewardship team stewards these integrally important members of the Beach family, whose deepest connections to The Beach place them at the heart of who we are and what we can become as an institution.

We're here to ensure you have the best possible experience as a member of our donor community.

For questions about our Donor Societies & Stewardship, please contact: 

For questions about Planned Giving, please contact:

Unit Leadership

Alina C. Mircea-Trotz ‘99, ‘02
Assistant Vice President
Alina first joined the division in December 2020 to serve as executive director for strategic initiatives, and was named assistant vice president in May 2022. Prior to returning to her two-time alma mater, Alina garnered more than 20 years of fundraising experience, most recently serving for over eight years as senior director of development for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Cal State Fullerton. Before transitioning to higher education, Alina dedicated thirteen years to supporting nonprofit organizations in Orange County, including leading fundraising efforts for Pacific Chorale. She also served as director of corporate and foundation relations for the Orange County School of the Arts, and as a grant writer for the Orange County Chapter of the American Red Cross and for St. Anselm’s Cross-Cultural Community Center. Alina will soon earn her designation as a Certified Specialist in Planned Giving from American Institute for Philanthropic Studies here at The Beach.