Faculty and Honors
The University Honors faculty are experts in their fields of study and offer various research opportunities to their students. In this video, University Honors highlights the program’s mission and dedication toward student success with the help of faculty involvement and support.

Teaching with Honors
University Honors is dedicated to cultivating an enriching and intellectually challenging collegiate experience at California State University, Long Beach. With the support of our experienced faculty, our students are encouraged to participate in research opportunities to contribute significant findings within their respective fields.
- Honors teaching philosophy
The University Honors Program supports innovative and interdisciplinary teaching and learning that fosters critical thinking, analysis, effective communication, and creative endeavors where faculty experts and highly engaged honors students share an active learning process. Students participate in the focus and trajectory of collective learning. We support learning beyond the classroom by fostering health and well-being as necessary, engaging with our local communities, offering international exploration, and using compassion as a cornerstone in achieving social justice.
- Policies and Procedures
- NCHC Teaching Resources
- Honors IRA Requests
- Zoom Presentation to Students (PDF)
- Sharing Zoom Meetings in Beachboard (PDF)
- Zoom Support Resource List (PDF)
- Accessing a Zoom Account with Single Sign On (PDF)
- Faculty Center
- How do I teach in the University Honors Program?
- The University Honors Program welcomes CSULB’s diverse faculty to teach in our program. In general there needs to be a conversation and agreement between the faculty member, the department chair, and the director of the UHP for the teaching assignment and reassigned time from departmental teaching assignments. If you are interested in teaching for the UHP, you may begin by talking with your department chair and contacting the UHP director. Please note that all of our courses connect with general education and/or major requirements and must be approved as such.
- How is an honors course different from a regular course?
- University-level honors courses distinguish themselves in being innovative, interdisciplinary, and/or more discussion-based than their mainstream counterparts. They typically engage students as co-learners and co-teachers in the learning process. Courses can be traditional, more experimental, community-based or have global/international components.
- How do I propose a new course for the University Honors Program?
- Ideas and course proposals can be submitted through the Propose A Class Form. They would then be shared and discussed with members of the Honors Council who represent all of the CSULB colleges. New courses need college and university level approval.
Senior Project Advising with Honors
University Honors is an academic program for high-achieving undergraduate students. University Honors students work one-on-one with a faculty advisor in their academic discipline to develop and execute a culminating research or creative project in their field of study. Service learning, study abroad, an internship, an artistic performance or installation, a laboratory research project, an investigative essay into a social issue, or a humanities-based inquiry – any of these experiences can serve as the basis for an outstanding Honors Thesis.
- How do you become a Senior Project advisor?
- Typically our Honors Students will ask you, but you can submit your information on the Become a Senior Project Advisor Form to increase to raise your visibility with our students.
- What is required of a thesis/creative project advisor?
- A thesis/creative project advisor guides UHP students in their completion of a senior honors project. They are the disciplinary expert who guides the student to relevant resources, helps the student to determine the appropriate scope of the project, gives constructive feedback on drafts, helps the student to adjust the project if needed through the research process, and offers opportunities for conference presentation or publication when possible.
- What needs to be submitted?
- A Senior Project advisor agrees to serve as a student’s mentor towards the end of the junior year. The student must submit a contract with the faculty mentor’s name prior to enrolling in a Senior Project-related course, UHP 496B. Once the honors student is enrolled in the UHP 496B/498 courses, a senior project advisor collaborates with UHP faculty to submit grades when prompted by UHP staff via a Qualtrics form sent through email.
Additionally, the faculty mentor attends their mentee’s oral presentation during the honors symposium and supports the project through completion.
- A Senior Project advisor agrees to serve as a student’s mentor towards the end of the junior year. The student must submit a contract with the faculty mentor’s name prior to enrolling in a Senior Project-related course, UHP 496B. Once the honors student is enrolled in the UHP 496B/498 courses, a senior project advisor collaborates with UHP faculty to submit grades when prompted by UHP staff via a Qualtrics form sent through email.