Educational Partnership Programs
The Educational Partnership Programs are dedicated to increasing college enrollment, retention, and graduation rates. We offer academic opportunities, counseling, tutoring, and personalized support through innovative, student-focused initiatives, guiding students from middle school all the way to their college graduation.

California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP) increases the accessibility of post-secondary educational opportunities for underrepresented high school students.

Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) increases the number of low-income middle and high school students to enter and succeed in postsecondary education.

Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) assist individuals 19 years and older enroll, re-enroll in a high school diploma, high school equivalency, community college, trade or vocational school, private or public four-year college.

Upward Bound (UB) offers opportunities to succeed in pre-college performance and fundamental support to participants preparing for college admission and financial aid.

Upward Bound Math & Science Program (UBMS) helps students recognize and develop their potential to excel in math and science, encourage them to pursue postsecondary degrees and careers in the math and science professions.

College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) provides academic advising, skills workshops, financial aid stipends, and health services to eligible students enrolled in their first year of college at CSULB.

McNair Scholars Program (McNair) prepares and supports low-income and first-generation undergraduate students in their pursuit of doctoral studies.

Student Support Services (SSS) assist students who are low-income, or first-generation to college, who demonstrates academic needs, and the motivation to achieve their maximum potential in higher education.
Educational Partnership Programs aspires to increase retention and graduation success rates by offering pathways to post-secondary education, for low-income and first-generation students, beginning in kindergarten and continuing through higher education. Through collective efforts and supportive partnerships, we advocate and offer services to ensure students have greater access to opportunities. Together this support helps students graduate from high school, pursue and complete higher education, thrive in their careers, and make meaningful contributions to society.
Providing supportive educational access programs for students to successfully attain their college degree.