Undergraduate General
Ajax in Iraq by Ellen McLaughlin, 2012. Click for Actors and Creative Team.
BA in Theatre Arts
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Overview of our BA in Theatre Arts
The Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts provides the opportunity for the student to gain a broad exposure to the discipline. The curriculum requires study in Acting, Technical and Design Crafts, the History, Literature and Criticism of Theatre, and Directing. After completion of the lower division core students may choose to audition/interview for placement in the performance or design options.
Our general students get the opportunity to work with a diverse group of talented professionals in all areas of theatre who work nationally and internationally. We have worked hard to cultivate specialists in Acting, Design, Movement, Directing, Voice, Theatre History, Stage Management, and Theatre Management.
No more than eight units of Theatre Arts activity (cast and/or crew) will apply toward degree requirements. Crew requirements for all majors: One major running crew assignment in residence for each of the areas of costume, stagecraft and lighting to be satisfactorily completed. Students with transfer credit in those related courses must fulfill the same running crew requirements within the first three semesters of matriculation into the University.
At the start of a student’s first semester as a Theatre Arts Major, all incoming students, including transfer students (and those who have been inactive for a year in our department), are required to audition or interview. Auditions and interviews are conducted by appropriate faculty/student groups. These auditions are required for admittance to certain upper division classes and are therefore used for appropriate placement of students at their level of competency as determined by the faculty.
Production Opportunities, Internships, & Professional Development
We strongly believe that the learning doesn’t stop in the classroom. That is why we strive to provide and cultivate as many opportunities as possible for our students to continue their education in a hands on way. General Majors and Minors may partake in all the same extracurricular opportunities as the Majors focusing on performance or design.
Learn more about our Main Stage Production Opportunities
Learn more about our student theatre company, Theatre Threshold
Learn more about our Acting focused Internships & Professional Development
Learn more about our Design focused Internships & Professional Development
Learn more about our Student Association of Theatre Arts
Curriculum : Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts (120 units)
Lower Division Core: Take all of the following courses
THEA 101 Fundamentals of Dramaturgy (3) Prerequisites: None
THEA 111 Theatre Arts Showcase (1) Prerequisites: None
THEA 112 Beginning Voice and Speech (3) Prerequisits: None
THEA 114A Fundamentals of Acting (3) Prerequisites: None *"C" or better required
THEA 116 Fundamentals of Collaboration (3) Prerequisites: 3 units of Theatre Arts or consent of instructor.
THEA 141A Orientation to Production Crafts (3) Corequisite: THEA 140 or THEA 340.
THEA 141B Orientation to Production Crafts (3) Corequisite: THEA 140 or THEA 340.
THEA 201 Writing for the Theatre Arts (3) Prerequisite: ENGL 100 or GE Composition (Area A1)
THEA 221 History of Theatre and Drama to 1660 (3) Prerequisite: THEA 101 or concurrent enrollment or consent of instructor
THEA 222 History of Theatre and Drama Since 1660 (3) Prerequisite: THEA 221 or consent of instructor
Upper Division Core: Take all of the following courses
THEA 324 Theatre Today (3) Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirements, one or more Explorations courses, and upper-division standing.
THEA 327 Theatre, Protest, and Social Change (3)
Prerequisite: G.E. foundation and upper-division status, Students must have scored an 11 or higher on the GWAR Placement Examination
or completed the necessary portfolio course that is a prerequisite for a GWAR Writing Intensive Capstone.
THEA 374 Fundamentals of Directing (3) Prerequisites: THEA 101 and 114A or consent of instructor
THEA 426 Dramatic Theory and Criticism (3) Prerequisites: None
THEA 433 Design for Theatre (3) Prerequisites: THEA 141A and THEA 141B, or consent of instructor.
Take 4 units from the following:
THEA 140, THEA 240, THEA 340, THEA 440
Take 12 units from the following:
THEA 112, THEA 114B, THEA 212, THEA 214, THEA 215, THEA 262, THEA 290, THEA 316, THEA 318A, THEA 318B, THEA 323, THEA 341, THEA 352, THEA 364, THEA 375, THEA 413, THEA 414, THEA 415, THEA 425, THEA 427, THEA 442, THEA 447, THEA 449, THEA 462, THEA 476, THEA 490, THEA 498.
No more than eight units of Theatre Arts activity (cast and/or crew) will apply toward degree requirements. Crew requirements for all majors: One major running crew assignment in residence for each of the areas of costume, stagecraft, lighting and stage management. Students with transfer credit in those related courses must fulfill the same running crew requirements within the first three semesters of matriculation into the University.
At the beginning of the semester, all incoming students, including transfer students (including those who have been inactive for a year in our department), are required to audition or interview. Auditions and interviews are conducted by appropriate faculty/student groups. These auditions are required for admittance to certain upper division classes and are therefore used for appropriate placement of students at their level of competency as determined by the faculty.
Information on applying is available.
Minor in Theatre Arts
This minor may be combined with any major at CSULB except the BA in Theatre Arts. Students are admitted to the minor after having completed a minimum of 30 units of college level coursework including all 12 units of General Education Foundation courses with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
A minimum of 18 units is required for the minor.
Take all the following:
THEA 101 Fundamentals of Dramaturgy (3) Prerequisites: None
THEA 221 History of Theatre and Drama to 1660 (3) Prerequisite: THEA 101 or concurrent enrollment or consent of instructor.
THEA 222 History of Theatre and Drama Since 1660 (3) Prerequisite: THEA 221 or consent of instructor.
Take one of the following:
THEA 114A, THEA 141A or THEA 141B
Take 6 units from the following
THEA 324, THEA 327, THEA 341, THEA 344, THEA 352, THEA 365, THEA 380, THEA 418, THEA 425, THEA 426, THEA 433, THEA 476
Information on applying is available.