Student Fee Advisory Committee
Meeting Schedule 2024 - 2025
- 9/6/24 - Canceled
- 10/25/24 - Canceled
- 11/15/24
- 12/6/24 - Canceled
- 1/31/25
- 2/28/25
- 4/11/25
- 5/19/25
Student Fee Constituency, CSULB
The constituency of the Student Fee Advisory Committee includes:
- The elected Executive Officers of the Associated Students, Inc.
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Four students selected by the Associated Students Senate
- The Chair of the Academic Senate, or designee
- One faculty representative from the Academic Senate
- One staff representative appointed by the President
- One representative from the Division of Academic Affairs
- One representative from the Division of Administration and Finance
- One representative from the Division of Student Affairs