Sound Amplification

  1. For purposes of these regulations, amplified sound means sound that is created, increased, magnified, or enhanced with the aid of a device or equipment, including, but not limited to, a megaphone, microphone, bullhorn, sound system, or speakers. These regulations do not apply to naturally occurring sounds or to unamplified sounds.
  2. Amplified sound is prohibited if it unreasonably interferes with University activities and operations, including the University’s ability to deliver instructional programs, host scheduled events, conduct orderly business, and/or engage in the normal use of classrooms, offices, study spaces, and meeting or event venues.  Additionally, amplified sound should not substantially disrupt university residential areas or surrounding residential neighborhoods.  Amplified sound measured at or above 85 decibels 25 feet from the source (device) of the amplified sound and/or at or above 75 decibels in any adjacent indoor area is presumed to unreasonably interfere with University activities and operations.  Lower sound levels may be determined, on a content and viewpoint neutral basis, to unreasonably interfere with University activities and operations, depending on location, context, and duration.
  3. Outdoor amplified sound is allowed without prior approval during the following times and in the following locations, provided it does not unreasonably interfere with University activities or operations:

    from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday to Friday and from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday to Sunday in -

    Central Plant Plaza 
    Central Quad (Center, East, North, and South) 
    Speaker Platform (East and West)
    Outpost Lawn
    USU North Lawn.

    Use of amplified sound in the above-referenced locations outside of these time periods requires the prior written approval of the Office of Student Life and Development (located at USU 215).

  4. Outdoor amplified sound is allowed with the prior written approval of the Office of Student Life and Development (located at USU 215) during the following times and in the following locations, provided it does not unreasonably interfere with University activities or operations:

    from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Sunday, or as approved in advance by the Office of Student Life and Development, in -

    USU Southwest Terrace 
    USU South Plaza (no more than 2 reservations in 1 week) 
    SRWC Entry Plaza
    Brotman Hall South Lawn 
    College of Business North Lawn 
    East Turnaround
    Friendship Walk
    Hardfact Hill
    Horn Center Patio North & South 
    HHSI West Lawn
    HHS2 East Lawn
    Maxson Plaza
    Pyramid Parking Structure South Lawn
    Pyramid North Lawn
    SSPA North Lawn
    UMC North West Lawn 
    UMC South West Lawn
    West Turnaround 

  5. For scheduled events involving amplified sound, sound amplification equipment will generally be restricted to that supplied by ASI or the University.  Any person or group wishing to use its own sound amplification system for a scheduled event must receive advance written permission from the Associate Vice President of Student Engagement for Student Affairs,, or designee.
  6. University officials have the right to require amplification devices and systems to be turned down or off if the sound level is unreasonably disruptive to University activities or operations.  The University will respond to sound complaints by notifying the responsible person or group of the unreasonable disruption and requesting the person or group to reduce the sound level.  Failure to comply may result in the University directing the person or group to terminate the disruptive activity.
  7. Amplified sound is prohibited during the University final examination period.
  8. Any use of amplified sound on University Property not permitted in these regulations requires a written exception approved in advance by the Associate Vice President of Student Engagement for Student Affairs, Exceptions will be approved or denied on a viewpoint neutral basis, depending on location, context, and duration.