Scheduling and Registration Procedures

These scheduling and registration procedures ensure effective campus coordination and provide individuals and groups wishing to reserve University facilities and grounds an orderly and viewpoint neutral process for doing so.  These scheduling and registration procedures apply to all campus events and activities for which University facilities or grounds are to be reserved, including all non-instructional and non-academic campus events and activities. 

A. Event Approval Process (EAP)

All individuals and groups wishing to plan or schedule an event or activity on campus must complete the event approval process and obtain approval for the contemplated event within the Event Management System before advertising the event. 

Recognized Student Organizations must contact their Student Life and Development (SLD) advisor, located in USU-215 and available at, to discuss event details and complete the required reservation forms and planning activities required to reserve space.  SLD advisors will guide Recognized Student Organizations with their program needs.  The Office of Student Life and Development will be responsible for approving all events sponsored by Recognized Student Organizations, except for Tier 1 events (see classifications below), which are approved by the Campus Events Office. 

University-affiliated individuals and groups sponsored by academic or administrative departments should contact the Campus Events Office, located in USU-221 and reachable at, to discuss their event details.  When submitting a reservation request to the Campus Events Office, an Event Request Form will be required.  The Campus Events Office is responsible for approving all events sponsored by University-affiliated individuals or departments and for approving all Tier 1 events (see classifications below) sponsored by Recognized Student Organizations.   

Non-Affiliates should contact the Event Services Office, located at Brotman Hall 320 and reachable at or (562) 985-4400, to discuss their event details.  The scheduling of campus facilities by Non-Affiliates will require the completion of a Facility Use Agreement.  Contact the Event Services Office, or the venue coordinator for the specific University facility at issue, for information concerning applicable insurance requirements and reservation and request procedures for reserving the desired University facility.  Each campus facility is managed by its own venue coordinator, which may have its own required reservation forms and/or agreements.  The Events Services Office or the venue coordinator for the specific location to be reserved will notify the requesting individual or group of all applicable requirements, including, but not limited to, insurance.  Non-Affiliates are encouraged to contact the Events Services Office concerning their proposed event as early as possible.  If a proposed event requires a security/threat assessment, as determined by the University Police Department, the application for use of the facility must be submitted at least 60 business days in advance.

B. Tier Classification System

All events and activities on campus are categorized according to the tier system described below and must satisfy all requirements and procedures applicable to the tier in which the event or activity falls.  Failure of a student organization, a University-affiliated individual or group, or a Non-Affiliate to satisfy the applicable requirements and procedures may result in their inability to proceed with the contemplated event or activity. 

Tier 1 Events:  Tier 1 events include information tabling by a singular campus group, regular meeting spaces (with no off-campus speakers or guests involved), study hall sessions, and/or fundraisers (to last no longer than 4 hours) sponsored by students, employees, or University-affiliated departments or groups.

  • The requesting individual or group must reserve with the Campus Events Office, located in USU-221, at least 3 business days in advance (no same day reservations allowed).
  • Approval required at least 1 business day in advance.

Tier 2 Events: Tier 2 events include student filming, tabling by multiple campus groups at the same event, and unpaid speaking engagements with off-campus speakers publicized outside the sponsoring organization but intended solely for a CSULB audience. 

  • The requesting individual or group must reserve with the Campus Events Office, located in USU-221, at least 10 business days in advance. If reserving a location that requires staffing (e.g., USU Games, Beach Auditorium, Student Recreation and Wellness Center), the requesting individual or group must reserve with the Campus Events Office at least 15 business days in advance.
  • Approval required at least 5 business days in advance.

Tier 3 Events:  Tier 3 events include engagements with paid speakers and programs or events publicized outside the sponsoring organization but intended solely for a CSULB audience where an authorized University official has determined, on a viewpoint neutral basis, that the program or event requires ticketing or entry by invitation only.

  • The requesting individual or group must reserve with the Campus Events Office, located in USU-221, at least 25 business days in advance.
  • Approval required at least 10 business days in advance.

Tier 4 Events: Tier 4 events are programs and events that are open to the general non-CSULB public and may include youth, ticketing, and national conferences.  This tier typically includes contracts with off-campus vendors and/or with speakers who are expected to attract Non-Affiliates to campus. 

  • The requesting individual or group must reserve with the Campus Events Office, located in USU-221, at least 50 business days in advance.
  • Approval required at least 15 business days in advance.

Tier 5 Events: Tier 5 events are events sponsored by Non-Affiliates that have been determined by University Police, on a viewpoint neutral basis, to require a security/threat assessment.

  • The requesting individual or group must reserve with the Events Services Office, located in Brotman Hall 320, at least 60 business days in advance.
  • Approval required at least 30 business days in advance.

C. Temporary Art Installations

Recognized Student Organizations and University-affiliated individuals or departments wishing to construct temporary art installations on University Property as part of a class or academic-related project must consult with the SLD Director a minimum of 15 business days before the proposed installation date.

Once reviewed, information concerning the proposed art installation will be forwarded by the SLD Director to the Campus Events Office for further processing.  Final approval must be received by the requesting individual or department no less than 10 business days before the proposed installation date.

D. Insurance and Other Facility Approvals

Venue coordinators will determine applicable insurance requirements for proposed events at their venues on a content-neutral and viewpoint neutral basis. In addition, proposed events may require additional approvals from Facilities Management, University Police, Parking and Transportation Services, Beach Shops, and/or Risk Management before the proposed event can be confirmed.  These approvals are facilitated through the Event Approval Process.

E. Maximum Reservations

Recognized Student Organizations may schedule a maximum of 6 reservations at any one time. Semester meetings, including study halls, may not exceed a total of 10 combined hours per week. The Campus Events Office can provide more information on availability and scheduling guidelines.

F. Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing-Impaired

University and Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) sponsored events with anticipated attendance of 200 persons or more should have a qualified interpreter/translator to provide access to attendees who may be deaf or hearing impaired. For events with an anticipated attendance of less than 200 persons, campus community members may request a qualified interpreter/translator. To inquire about obtaining such services, contact the Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) in the Student Success Center, Room 110,, at least two weeks prior to the event.

G. Violations, Damages, and Charges

Individuals or organizations in violation of these scheduling policies and procedures are subject to discipline or penalties, including (without limitation) a written warning, a charge to cover restitution for damages, restriction from future use of facilities, and/or other sanctions, as appropriate to the circumstances and the violation. Sanctions may be imposed by the venue operator as defined in the CSULB Facilities Use Procedural Guidelines and/or by the University Hearing Officer for students found to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

H. No Events During Finals

There shall be no scheduling of student organization activities or programs during the University final examination period.  Non-students and non-student organizations may be permitted to host events and activities during the final examination period, depending on the availability of campus facilities.    

I. Event Moratorium

There is a moratorium on events during the first five weeks of each semester, Monday through Thursday, that require additional parking.

J. No Advertising or Publicity for Events Until Approved

All events must be properly scheduled, confirmed, and approved prior to any notice or advertising of the event.  As required in Section 2. d. (“Posters, Signs, Banners, and Chalking”), all advertisements must include the sponsoring organization’s name; the name of the program; the date, time, and location of the program; contact information for the sponsoring organization, and approval by the designated University office. For advertising options in the University Student Union (USU), please visit:

K. Closed Events

Recognized Student Organizations may host closed events or programs to which only members and their guests have been invited.  Invitations must be extended directly to the invitee in oral, electronic, or written form.  Public advertising (e.g., flyers, posters, radio, television, newspapers, website, social media, or other internet announcements) for closed events is prohibited.  All information about approved closed events must indicate “members only”.

L. Cash Handling for Student Events

All student events that involve ticket sales (advance and at the door), admission charges, or the sale of goods for fundraiser purposes must follow the University’s student organization cash handling procedures. For more information on these procedures for Recognized Student Organizations, contact SLD (located in USU-215 and reachable at or the ASI Business Office (ASBO) (located in USU-229 and reachable at

M. Exceptions

Recognized Student Organizations may submit requests for an approved exception to these scheduling and registration procedures to the Director of SLD (located in USU-215, University-affiliated individuals, departments and groups, as well as Non-Affiliates may submit requests for an approved exception to these scheduling and registration procedures to the Event Services Office (located in BH-320,, or to the venue operator for the relevant University facility or location. 

N. Fees and Payments

The University may charge for the use of University Property in accordance with established fee schedules.  Information concerning the fee schedules may be obtained from the office at which the reservation is made or from which the service is requested. Users of facilities and services must pay the University directly for the facilities or services provided.

Payment (cash, cashier’s check, money order, or credit card) for scheduled events in the USU should be made directly at the ASBO, USU-229. For events scheduled at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center (SRWC), payments can be made at the ASBO, USU-229 or at the SRWC Administration Office.

Non-Affiliates wishing to reserve the USU or SRWC for an event must pay the applicable event fees at least 30 calendar days prior to a scheduled event, or the reservation may be cancelled.

Recognized Student Organization events or programs held in any ASI venue are required to pay all assessed fees, or show proof of ASI Grant funding, at least 2 weeks prior to the event, or the reservation may be cancelled.