REGULATION V - 2023/2024


Information tables, individually pre-packaged food sales, food sales, and other fundraising by recognized student, faculty, or staff organizations shall be permitted on campus subject to regulations by the University president as to time, place, and manner and the California Health and Safety Code. Further, the proposed activity must aid achievement of the educational objectives of the campus (California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 43250.1). Information tables, individually pre- packaged food sales, food sales, and other fundraising in violation of established campus directives and the Health and Safety Code are prohibited and subject to termination and/or restrictions placed on the organization or persons involved. Sale or distribution of all non-alcoholic beverages must always conform to the requirements of the university’s sponsorship pouring rights agreement with Pepsi and Red Bull.  At all times, Coca Cola branded products may not be sold or distributed. 

A. Information Tables

Time: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (maximum of four-hour blocks of time).

Place: (1) The College of Business East Courtyard; (2) the University Library Patio, immediately east of the main entrance; (3) the International Crossroads Sign, designated area immediately east of Kinesiology; (4/5) the FO2 North Courtyard with two separate areas (one at the west end and one at the east end of the Alumni Brick Plaza II; (6) the FO3 Northeast platform, immediately east of the Multicultural Center and north of the stairs; and (7) the Multicultural Center, directly in front of the faded brick wall.

Manner: Disseminating information about a campus organization and its activities, is permitted as long as it does not unreasonably interfere with the instructional program or operation of the campus or obstruct the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Events in this category may occur no more than four times a month for each group or organization.

B. Individually Pre-Packaged Food Sales (Group One Foods)

Individually pre-packaged food sales are for the sale of foods and baked goods not requiring refrigeration or heating. Items such as packaged candy, whole fresh fruit, and canned soft drink products are also approved, with the exception of items that are in violation of any University contracts. Preparation or storage of food can only occur in a location that is certified by the City of Long Beach Health Department. Preparation or storage of food in private homes is not permissible.

Time: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (maximum of four-hour blocks of time). 

Place: (1) The College of Business East Courtyard; (2) the University Library Patio, immediately east of the main entrance; (3) the International Crossroads Sign, designated area immediately east of Kinesiology; (4/5) the FO2 North Courtyard with two separate areas (one at the west end and one at the east end of the Alumni Brick Plaza II; (6) the FO3 Northeast platform, immediately east of the Multicultural Center and north of the stairs; and (7) the Multicultural Center, directly in front of the faded brick wall.

Manner: Group One Foods are the only approved bake sale items. These are pre-packaged foods and drinks not requiring refrigeration or heating. Items such as packaged candy or chips, uncut fresh fruit, and canned soft drinks are also approved. Note: Since a box of one dozen donuts is not considered pre-packaged food, each donut must be individually wrapped. Preparation or storage of food can only occur in a location that is certified by the City of Long Beach Health Department. Preparation or storage of food in private homes is not permissible. For the protection of the health and safety of the campus community and guests, the sale and distribution of food as covered under this regulation will be carried out in compliance with the City of Long Beach Health Department, Bureau of Environmental Health, whose personnel may inspect campus food sales at any time. Events in this category may occur no more than three days in a 90-day period for each group or organization.

C. Food Sales

Food sales are for foods requiring heating or refrigeration, such as hamburgers, hot dogs, and tacos. Preparation or storage of food can only occur in a location that is certified by the City of Long Beach Health Department. Preparation or storage of food in private homes is not permissible.

  1. Group Two Foods
    Group Two Foods are those requiring heating or refrigeration. These perishable foods are capable of supporting rapid growth of microorganisms, which can cause severe illness. Care must be given to the storage, preparation, and serving of these foods. Group Two Foods usually approved are hot dogs, hamburgers, tacos, and the like. The distribution (selling or giving) of these foods must be limited to group or organization members and their guests.
    Distribution of Group Two Foods to the general student body or to the general campus community, including visitors-at-large, is permitted only as follows: (1) A minimum of one student per organization must complete and pass the City of Long Beach Health Department workshop, offered through the Office of Student Life and Development, to provide Group Two Foods; and (2) The student(s) who successfully complete(s) the workshop must be in attendance for the entire event during which the food is made available. Foods prepared by one of the campus food services for student organization distribution or sale may also be approved. Successful completion of the City of Long Beach Health Department workshop is valid for one academic year, July 1 through June 30. The maximum serving time for any Group Two Food is four hours. Guidelines and procedures for hot food preparation and serving and the necessary approvals are available in the Office of Student Life and Development, USU-215.
  2. Group Three Foods
    Group Three Foods are those packaged or requiring heating or refrigeration, but which are to be distributed or sold over a period exceeding four hours. In addition, it is often requested that these foods be distributed with other foods, possibly as a part of a major campus event such as Homecoming. These special event food sales may require a Temporary Food Facilities Permit, which includes compliance with temporary food- stand specifications from the City of Long Beach Health Department. Contact the Office of Student Life and Development, USU- 215, for more information.
    Time: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    Place: Southwest Terrace, University Student Union.
    Manner: Distribution of Group Two and Group Three Foods is only permitted when it does not interfere with classes in session or obstruct the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Events in this category may occur no more than three days in a 90-day period for each group or organization.

D. Other Fundraising

Time: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (maximum of four-hour blocks of time).

Place: (1) The College of Business East Courtyard; (2) the University Library Patio, immediately east of the main entrance; (3) the International Crossroads Sign, designated area immediately east of Kinesiology; (4/5) the FO2 North Courtyard with two separate areas (one at the west end and one at the east end of the Alumni Brick Plaza II; (6) the FO3 Northeast platform, immediately east of the Multicultural Center and north of the stairs; and (7) the Multicultural Center, directly in front of the faded brick wall.

Manner: Occasional sales which do not interfere with classes in session or obstruct the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic are allowed with the following provisions:

  • There will be no sale of publications available in the University Bookstore without permission from the University Bookstore director
  • Organizations may not sell products if such sales would violate any University approved contracts with vendors. Current contracts include Pepsi and Red Bull energy drinks. Sales will be conducted by members of the recognized organization that received approval for the activity

Events in this category may occur no more than three days in a 90-day period or each group or organization. Please refer to Campus Regulation I, Use of State University Buildings and Grounds, for additional information regarding commercial and non-commercial transactions.

E. Use of Tables

At least one student representative of the sponsoring organization must staff the table at all times. In addition, a sign or banner identifying the sponsoring organization must be displayed. Only one table, two chairs, and table-top displays may be used in these locations: (1) the University Library Patio, immediately east of the main entrance; (2/3) the FO2 North Courtyard with two separate areas (one at the west end and one at the east end of the Alumni Brick Plaza II); and (4) the Multicultural Center, directly in front of the faded brick wall.  No booths or canopies are permitted in these areas. 

Booths and canopies are limited to 10 x 10 feet at information tables and individually pre-packaged food sales taking place at the (1) The College of Business East Courtyard;, (2) the International Crossroads Sign (designated area immediately east of Kinesiology); or (3) the FO3 Northeast platform, immediately east of the Multicultural Center and north of the stairs.