REGULATION IV - 2023/2024


The primary objective of this regulation is to provide a University environment of order, cleanliness, and safety. Student organizations currently registered with the Office of Student Life and Development (SLD), along with university committees, commissions, departments, individual students, faculty, and staff members are allowed to publicize campus events if they comply with the University publicity and posting regulations. Commercial posting is not permitted on the campus. Off-campus individuals or groups may not publicize on campus without prior approval from SLD. The cooperation of members of the campus community helps to maintain a campus that is attractive, pleasant, and provides for effective publicity for approved campus events.

A. Identification of Publicity

  • All publicity must state the sponsoring organization, name of program, date, time, and location of the event, and contact information. Any material not so identified will be removed
  • Publicity written in any language other than English must also contain an English translation
  • Only events approved by the University may include the name of the University in publicity

B. Release of Publicity

The Office of Student Life and Development or the Office of the Dean of Students must give final approval for student organization events prior to release of any publicity.

C. Time Limits

Materials, excluding banners, may be posted no more than 10 business days prior to the event and must be removed no later than three business days following the event. However, materials for major programs, excluding banners, may be posted no more than 20 school days prior to the event and must be removed no later than three days following the event. Registered and approved student organizations may post their general meeting materials for no more than 10 school days during the first four weeks of each semester. No exceptions will be granted for this type of posting.

D. Areas Prohibited for Posting

Materials may not be posted or affixed on buildings, sculptures, posts, sidewalks, paved areas, railings, trees, traffic control signs, utility poles, signs, vehicles, planted garden areas, the hillside next to the University Student Union (USU) escalator, newspaper racks, West Turnaround islands, wayfinding pylons, or directory map structures. Chalking on campus is prohibited. No materials shall be posted so as to obscure previously posted or properly placed materials.

E. Posting at Campus Entrances

Banners, signs, posters, and the like will not be posted within 200 feet of the Bellflower Boulevard and Beach Drive entrance or the 7th Street entrances at East and West Campus Drives. This posting restriction includes the campus perimeter between East and West Campus Drives at 7th Street.

F. Posters on Stakes

Posters attached to stakes must be approved by SLD. Posters attached to stakes, not to exceed 25 per event, may be placed by currently registered organizations or departments for University- approved events. Posters may be placed in grassy areas, if they do not exceed 17 x 22 inches, are not more than three
feet high from the ground and are on stakes no longer than 36 inches. Posters on stakes must not be placed in flowerbeds in any way that interferes with the irrigation system, the West Turnaround islands, the hillside next to the USU escalator, or in any manner to block a walkway, driveway, or street. Posters shall be placed no less than three feet away from all other posters or special event signs.

G. Handbills and Circulars

Distribution of handbills and circulars, exclusive of commercial advertising and not in violation of the Campus Regulations and the California Penal Code, is permitted on campus. See Regulation I, use of State University Buildings and Grounds, Section C, for time, place, and manner. Commercial handbills and circulars are not permitted for posting on campus.

H. Special Event Signs and Banners

With the approval of SLD, signs not to exceed 3 x 3 feet, or banners not to exceed 3 x 6 feet, may be used to publicize an event. Signs or banners used in a tandem configuration by placing one above the other may not exceed 6 feet in height. There is a limit of 20 special event signs or 25 posters on stakes and three banners per event. Signs may be placed in grassy areas with the same restrictions as posters on stakes (see Section F above). One banner may be placed on the railing in front of the tent at the left side of the stairs leading to the University Bookstore (the east railing of the stairs is permitted and all railing west of the stairs is reserved for Forty-Niner Shops banners), on a USU railing, and on the Psychology Building vending wall (limit one banner per organization) with the approval and date stamp from SLD. Banners or signs may be placed no more than seven business days prior to the event and must be removed within three business days after the event. Signs shall be placed no less than three feet away from all other special event signs or posters on stakes.

I. Kiosks

The posting kiosks throughout the campus are designated to provide publicity for campus events and activities. Commercial posting is not permitted on the kiosks. Flyers for posting should be 8½ x 11 inches in size while posters may not exceed 17 x 22 inches and conform to the policies covering all other publicity described in this regulation. Only two flyers per event and/or one poster per event is permitted to be posted on each kiosk while abiding by the time limits listed in Section C. Approval stamps are not required for flyers or posters for approved campus events and programs to be posted on the kiosks.

J. Display Cases – University Student Union

The display cases in the USU Union Plaza and Terrace is available for a period of five business days only, one case at a time. Permission for use is requested on the USU Display Case form available on BeachSync (

K. Hanging Banners – University Student Union

Banners advertising campus events may be displayed in the University Student Union for five business days prior to the event and will be removed the day after the event is held. Banners will be hung and removed by USU staff. Permission is requested on the Request for Hanging Banner form available at

L. Electronic Marquees

The University Student Union Marquee, located outside the east door on the second floor of the University Student Union, may be used to advertise events held in the Union. Permission is requested on the USU Marquee Display Reservation Request form available on BeachSync. The electronic marquee, located at the corner of 7th Street and West Campus Drive, may also be used to advertise events. Requestors are encouraged to submit their requests at least three weeks prior to the event date. Requests will only be considered upon event management compliance with the CSULB Administrative Policy for Facilities Use and Procedural Guidelines. Please visit Strategic Communication’s Brand Central sharepoint site for more information.

M. Interior Announcement Boards

All announcement boards in classroom or faculty office buildings are the responsibility of the department or the respective college. All announcement boards in classrooms, like all other instructional equipment, are under the general supervision of the college dean.

N. Programs Funded in Part by Associated Students

Publicity for events subsidized totally or in part by ASI must contain the credit, “Funded in part by ASI.”

O. Commercial or Personal Items for Sale Postings-Will Be Removed

Individuals may be charged for costs incurred in the removal of or repair from improperly posted items.

P. Commercial Transaction

See Regulation I, Use of State University Buildings and Grounds, Section D, Commercial Transactions and Commercial Solicitation and Non- Commercial Solicitation, or contact the Office of the Dean of Students, USU-219,

Q. Chalking

Chalking on campus is prohibited and requires an exception to policy.

R. Authority and Exceptions

These regulations are issued by the vice president for Student Affairs under the authority of the campus president. The associate vice president of Student Engagement for Student Affairs is designated to authorize the use of facilities and grounds for campus activities and organizations, and to administer these scheduling policies and procedures. The administration for these Campus Publicity and Posting Regulations are provided by the director of Student Life and Development, USU-215. Exceptions to campus publicity and posting policies may be requested by student organizations via the Event Approval Process and submitted for approval to the director of Student Life and Development, USU-215, Requests for exceptions for third party, faculty, and staff are initiated by contacting the associate vice president of Student Engagement for Student Affairs,

S. Violations of Regulation IV

Violations of Regulation IV will result in removal of improperly posted signs and possible loss of posting privileges for the following semester and/or other restrictions as may be determined by the dean of students. Organizations and/ or individuals will be charged for the cost incurred for removal or repair of improper posting.
Violations of campus publicity and posting regulations that also violate Regulation XVI, Standards for Student Conduct will be referred to the director of the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development, USU- 219.