Activities and Uses on University Property Requiring Written Permission

The following activities and uses are prohibited unless prior written permission from the appropriate University official is obtained, or as otherwise provided in this CSULB Campus Addendum.

Posters, Signs, Banners, and Chalking 

  1. Requirements Applicable to All Postings on Campus: The following requirements apply to all posting and publicity on campus, including, but not limited to, all flyers, posters, signs, or banners of any kind:
    1. Only Signage that Publicizes a University Event, Activity, or Program is Permitted: Only signage and postings that publicize a campus event, activity, or program that is sponsored by a Recognized Student Organization or by a University-affiliated individual or department are permitted.  Posted material must state the name, date, time, and location of the campus event, activity, or program.   
    2. Sponsoring Person or Organization: All publicity must clearly identify by name the person or organization responsible for the material posted and must include contact information for the sponsoring person or organization (email, phone, or website).
    3. Prohibited Areas and Locations: No signs, posters, banners, or other materials may be placed in any of the following areas:
      1. No materials of any kind may be applied or attached in any manner to any buildings, sculptures, windows, floors, construction fences, posts, sidewalks, paved areas, railings, trees, shrubs, bushes, traffic control signs, utility poles, signs, vehicles, planted garden areas, the hillside next to the University Student Union escalator, newspaper racks, West Turnaround islands, wayfinding pylons, or directory map structures.
      2. No materials may be placed within 200 feet of the Bellflower Boulevard and Beach Drive entrances to campus or within 200 feet of the 7th Street entrances at East and West Campus Drives. This restriction includes the campus perimeter between East and West Campus Drives at 7th Street.
      3. No materials may be placed on the Bellflower, 7th Street, Palo Verde, or Atherton boundaries of the campus.  
    4. No Commercial Posting: CSULB prohibits all non-University commercial activity on University Property, unless specifically approved in writing by the University President or designee.  This prohibition includes the distribution of any commercial literature, handbills, circulars, or advertisements.  “For sale” postings will be removed, and the individuals or organizations responsible for them may be charged for the costs incurred in the removal or repair.
    5. Student Events and Activities: Events and activities sponsored by Recognized Student Organizations must receive final approval from the Office of Student Life and Development (SLD) before the release of any publicity. Additionally, publicity for events subsidized in whole or in part by Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) must contain the credit, “Funded in whole or in part by ASI.”
    6. Use of University Name and Marks: The use of the University’s name is a privilege reserved by law to the CSU and to organizations officially related to and authorized by the University to use its name. The name of the University may not be used to imply, either directly or indirectly, the University’s endorsement, support, favor, association with, or opposition to any organization, product, service, or idea without the permission of the University.  Only events approved by the University may include the name of the University.  Unauthorized use of the University’s name may constitute a violation of state and/or federal law.
    7. General Size, Shape, and Material Restrictions: Signs, posters, and banners must not be of a size, shape, or type that will interfere with University operations, cause damage to University Property, or create safety hazards for persons or property on campus.  In addition, the following restrictions apply: 
      1. Signs exceeding 24” x 36” in dimension must be made solely of foam core, cardboard, or paper.
      2. No sign of any size, shape, or kind may be made of metal.
      3. No person, while engaging in expressive activity on campus, may carry or possess a signpost, pole, pipe, or stake fabricated of metal or composite material, regardless of width or diameter.
  2. Kiosks: CSULB’s kiosks are intended to promote only campus events, activities, or programs. Postings on kiosks must comply with all the requirements in Section III. A1 above as well as with the following additional requirements:
    1. Campus Event, Activity, or Program: Material posted on a kiosk must publicize a campus event, activity, or program sponsored by a Recognized Student Organization, a University-affiliated individual, or a University-affiliated department or group. The posted material must state the name, date, time, and location of the campus event, activity, or program.   
    2. Date Posted: All posted material must clearly indicate the date posted.
    3. Number Limits: Only 2 flyers or 1 poster per campus event, activity, or program is allowed per kiosk.
    4. Size Limits: Flyers should be no more than 8½ x 11 inches in size.  Posters cannot exceed 17 x 22 inches in size.
    5. Time Limits: Material cannot be posted more than 10 business days before the event or activity and must be removed within 3 business days after the event or activity. Recognized student organizations may post their general meeting materials for no more than 10 business days during the first four weeks of each semester.
    6. No Obstruction: Postings may not cover or obscure previously posted material.
  3. Interior Announcement and Bulletin Boards:
    1. Interior announcement boards are located inside academic and administrative buildings. Interior announcement boards are hosted, managed, and maintained by individual CSULB Departments, Colleges, or Divisions. 
    2. Only material that conforms to the posting requirements and procedures established by the applicable CSULB Department, College, or Division is permissible.   
    3. Check with the appropriate Dean’s Office, Department, or Division for information concerning the posting requirements and procedures applicable to specific announcement boards.
  4. Outdoor Signs, Posters, and Banners: With approval from the Office of Student Life and Development, Recognized Student Organizations and University-affiliated groups or departments may display signs, posters, or banners for the purpose of publicizing campus events, activities, or programs.  Such displays must comply with all of the requirements in Section IV.B.1 above as well as with the following additional requirements:
    1. The name of the Recognized Student Organization or the University-affiliated Department sponsoring the campus event must be clearly indicated, together with the date, time, and location of the event.
    2. Signs cannot exceed 3 x 3 feet. Banners cannot exceed 3 x 6 feet.  Posters attached to stakes cannot exceed 17 x 22 inches, be more than 3 feet from the ground, or have stakes longer than 3 feet.  Sign stakes not to exceed 12” into the ground. All damage of underground utilities and landscape because of staking is at the organization's expense. Any staking deeper than 12” needs to be preapproved by facilities management.
    3. Signs and banners used in a tandem configuration (i.e., by placing one above the other) cannot exceed 6 feet in height.
    4. The maximum number of displays allowed per event is 20 special event signs or 25 posters on stakes and 3 banners.
    5. Signs and posters on stakes may be placed in grassy areas, provided they are placed no less than 3 feet away from all other special events signs or posters on stakes; do not interfere with the irrigation system; and do not block walkways, driveways, or streets in any manner. No signs or posters on stakes may be placed in flowerbeds, the West Turnaround islands, or the hillside next to the University Student Union escalator.
    6. Signs, posters, and banners may be placed no more than 7 business days before the campus event and will be removed within 3 business days after the campus event. Signs, posters, and banners not removed within 3 business days after the campus event may be charged a clean-up fee and/or restricted from posting for a period of time. Students and student organizations will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development.
  5. University Student Union (USU) Display Cases: The display cases in the USU Union Plaza and Terrance are available for students, faculty, and staff of CSULB for a period of 5 business days only, one case at a time.  To request permission for use, complete and submit the USU Display Case form available on BeachSync ( 
  6. Electronic Marquees: CSULB operates two electronic marquees that may be used by campus affiliated organizations and departments to advertise campus events: the University Student Union (USU) Marquee and the 7th Street Marquee.  The USU Marquee is located outside the east door on the second floor of the USU.  To request permission to use the USU Marquee, complete and submit the USU Marquee Display Reservation Request form available on BeachSync. The 7th Street Marquee is located at the corner of 7th Street and West Campus Drive.  To request permission to use the 7th Street Marque, refer to the process outlined in the link here: Marquee Submissions.  Requests should be submitted at least three weeks before the event date and will only be considered upon event management compliance with the CSULB Administrative Policy for Facilities Use and Procedural Guidelines.
  7. Distribution of Printed Non-Commercial Materials (Handbills, Circulars, and Flyers): Distribution of printed non-commercial handbills, circulars and flyers not otherwise prohibited by law is permitted subject to the following time, place, and manner regulations:
    1. Distribution of handbills, circulars, and flyers is strictly prohibited in University buildings and parking lots. No printed material of any kind may be placed on or in vehicles parked on University Property.
    2. Distribution of non-commercial handbills, circulars, and flyers otherwise in conformity with this Policy is generally permitted between 6:00 a.m. and 10 p.m. daily in any Public Area, so long as the distribution:
      1. Does not unreasonably interfere with classes or any other operations of the University;
      2. Does not unreasonably interfere with or obstruct the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic;
      3. Is not forced upon others; and
      4. Is not conducted at or near the top or bottom of escalators or stairwells.
      5. The distribution of handbills on parked cars is prohibited.
    3. Persons distributing printed material shall be responsible for ensuring the printed material does not litter the area of distribution.
    4. Tables and portable (i.e., hand carried) displays used to facilitate distribution may be placed only on paved pedestrian walkways and may not block walkways or entrances to buildings or otherwise impede the free flow of traffic. Tables and portable displays must be attended at all times by the individuals or groups sponsoring the distribution. The requesting individual or group must seek permission at least 3 business days in advance (no same day reservations allowed). 
    5. Commercial handbills, circulars, and flyers may not be distributed on campus.
  8. Chalking: Chalking on campus is prohibited.