K-12 Education Programs
Our new K-12 live education programs use sharks and technology as a way of getting students interested in STEM fields. In our curricula, we use content covering shark biology, technology used to study sharks, and how all of this can lead to varying careers in STEM fields. These NGSS-aligned programs will expose students to dynamic and interesting fields across disciplines and invoke excitement about marine science and beyond.
Currently, our programs are offered virtually and in-person and are free of charge.

For questions regarding these programs, please contact:
Shark Lab Science Educator
In-Person Requirements
The following are the requirements to participate in the Classroom Programs.
Group Information
- Maximum 36 students.
- Class may be asked to group in specific ways or require certain materials for the program.
The Lead Teacher
- Must be present at all times during the session.
- Can reserve multiple class sessions but must fill out a new request for each class.
- Will receive an email after requesting a reservation with detailed instructions on how to participate.
In-Person Programs
We offer the following In-Person Programs.
Join the CSULB Shark Lab in reading through the exciting life of Eugenie Clark, affectionately known as the "Shark Lady," she was a renowned marine biologist and pioneer in the field of shark research. Through a story-time and interactive activity, students will learn about her innovative use of scuba diving equipment to observe and document shark behavior.

Image Credit: "File:Otto H. Oren, Eugenie Clark, Adam Ben-Tuvia, 1962.jpg" by Bsteinitz is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/?ref=openverse.
Students will learn all about four native California species in the elasmobranch, or shark, family. Discover their adaptations to survive in their habitat. Each animal has unique characteristics and behaviors of these species, including the leopard shark, horn shark, round ray, and white shark. Through station rotations, students will explore the fascinating adaptations that enable these animals to thrive in California's coastal ecosystems and gain a deeper understanding of how these adaptations help these species survive and interact with their environment.

Our middle school program focuses on the use of technology to track sharks along the coast of southern California. Students will learn about the various tags used to monitor and study the movements of sharks in the region. Through critical thinking strategies, students will investigate different types of tags, analyzing the information to draw conclusions about their structure and function. By the end of the program, students will have a greater understanding of the role of technology in shark research, as well as the importance of observation and critical thinking in scientific inquiry.

In our high school program, students will use real data collected from tagged sharks by scientists to guide students in developing scientific questions and planning investigations. Students will be provided with actual data sets containing information about the movements and environmental preferences of tagged sharks. This unit introduction will develop essential scientific inquiry skills, including data analysis, hypothesis formation, and experimental design.

Virtual Program Requirements
The following are the requirements to participate in the Virtual Program.
Group Information
- Maximum 40 students, minimum 10 students per live session.
- Grade levels extending across program grade-band target may participate in one session.
- Programs are designed for the students in the class. They are unable to accommodate the participation of siblings, other family members, or individuals in the household.
Tech Requirements
- At this time, we are unable to offer programs on online learning software other than Zoom. The teacher and students should be prepared to join a CSULB Zoom link.
- For classes together in-person: the teacher will need a webcam, Wi-Fi and Zoom installed on their device. They may present from the front of the room or have each student use their own device with headphones.
- If presenting from the front of the room, a webcam will need to be facing the class.
- If learning from home: the teacher and each student will need to have Zoom installed on their device, a webcam, and a Wi-Fi connection.
The Lead Teacher
- Must also be logged into the entire session on their own device.
- The lead teacher must participate in the entire session.
- The lead teacher can reserve multiple programs, but each program must be at a different date and time. A lead teacher must be present at all sessions.
- Will receive an email after requesting a reservation with detailed instructions on how to participate.
Virtual Programs
We offer the following Virtual Programs.
Sharks are amazing animals with unique body parts that help them survive and thrive in their environment. Students will discover shark senses through investigation of the white shark, practicing observation skills and relating some of their own body parts to the shark. They will have the opportunity to engage with a Shark Lab Educator through asking and answering questions and developing their own explanations. The NGSS covered in this program will include Disciplinary Core Ideas LS1.A Structure and Function and LS1.D Information Processing, and Crosscutting Concept of Structure and Function.

Elasmobranchs are a fascinating class of animal that includes sharks, skates, and rays. Students will explore four species encountered by the Shark Lab and how they are specialized to inhabit our local beaches and waters. Students will engage with a Shark Lab Educator in active investigation through scientific illustration, compare and contrast, and developing explanations. The NGSS covered in this program will include Disciplinary Core Ideas LS4.C Adaptations and LS4.B Natural Selection and Crosscutting Concepts of Structure and Function and Patterns.

The Shark Lab utilizes and develops innovative technology to answer challenging questions important for shark conservation. Students will examine the importance of technology and engineering in scientific research and analyze it's use to develop their own ideas to better utilize technology. The NGSS covered in this program will include the Science and Engineering Practice of Asking Questions and Defining Problems, as well as Developing and Using Models. Disciplinary Core Idea of MS-ETS1-2. Crosscutting Concept of Structure and Function.

Marine Science today incorporates a broad range of disciplines across sciences, math, and engineering. Students will consider their own academic strengths and interests and uncover the measures to begin building basic skills needed to prepare for an exciting career. They will hear from current researchers in the field and learn about the steps they took to achieve their goals. Connections to the NGSS will touch on Science and Engineering Practices that describe what scientists do to investigate the natural world and what engineers do to design and build systems.

Program Requests
If you are interested in booking a live in-person or virtual program with a Shark Lab Educator, please fill out the request form below and you will be contacted via email to schedule your program.