Comic Book Series
The CSULB Shark Lab has developed a series of comic books about beach safety and marine pollution (ages 9-12, but adults like them too!). These informative comic books were illustrated by two outstanding young artists (CSULB alumni) Audrey Hopkins and Renato Bernal.
Funding to produce these comic books were provided by the State of California as part of the Shark Beach Safety program and the Save Our Seas Foundation. After having produced and distributed over 25000 paper versions of both comic books throughout California, Massachusetts, Florida and South Africa, we are now releasing full digital versions in both English and Spanish. You can simply click on the links below and read just like you would if you had the book in your hands. Be sure to share the links with friends!
Please let us know on social media (@csulbsharklab) if you like the comic books.
In English

Beach Days - Share the Waves
Illustrated by: Audrey Hopkins

Beach Days - Save the Waves
Illustrated by: Renato Bernal

Beach Days - Shark Spies
Illustrated by: Renato Bernal
En Español

Días de Verano - Compartiendo las Olas
Ilustrado por: Audrey Hopkins
Días de Verano - Compartiendo las Olas - transcripción (PDF)

Días de Verano - Salvando las Olas
Ilustrado por: Renato Bernal