Former CSULB Graphic Design professor Andrew Byrom designs exhibition for Pacific Standard Time series

Graphic Designer, and former CSULB professor Andrew Byrom helped design (along with Lara Hoad) the exhibition Tom Van Sant: An Earth Twin at the Digital Dawn at the 18th Street Arts Center, in Santa Monica in conjunction with the Pacific Standard Time series PST ART: Art & Science Collide. The artist, Tom Van Sant may be best known to students as making the memorial Vietnam (1975) in the school quad, but he also spearheaded the Geosphere Project - the first satellite picture of the Earth as seen from space, in its entirety without clouds or national boundaries. Completed in 1990, the project used over 37 million snapshots of the earth to create the image. The exhibition, curated by Janet Owen Driggs, will be on view from September 7, 2024 through February 1, 2025.

Place: 18th Street Arts Center, Olympic Campus

Address:  1639 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404

Dates: 9/7/2024 - 2/1/2025


Congratulations Professor Byrom on the wonderful new work!