President's Messages

Black and white photo Pyramid

Update for Staff on Reuniting The Beach

Dear Beach Staff:  I write today with an update on our outlook for further "repopulation" of campus by Beach staff and administration.    We have witnessed remarkable progress in the fight against the pandemic. Social distancing, the wearing of face coverings, the advent of vaccines, and other measures have all had a significant impact on infection rates. As we look to …
Black and white photo Pyramid

President Conoley Offers Updates on Beach 2030

We have great expertise at The Beach to substantiate our Beach 2030 aspirations. In order to Be a Future Ready University and to Advance Partnerships for the Public Good I have asked two distinguished members of our community to assume some new roles. First, I’ve asked Dr. Jennifer Ostergren to temporarily step away from her associate dean duties in CHHS to assist me in establishing an Office of Integrated Planning and Accountability. In addition to her stellar scholarly career at The Beach,…
Black and white photo Pyramid

No one needs to be left behind at CSULB

As I reflect on the many messages I’ve sent to our campus over the past almost seven years, I am saddened by how many have been written in response to hateful acts directed at individuals and groups who are considered “other.” I have written about racist violence aimed at those of African, Asian, Pacific Islander, and indigenous descent. I’ve condemned violence and discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals and those of the Muslim and…
Black and white photo Pyramid

An update on plans for the 2021-2022 academic year

Dear Beach Community: We have been engaged in intensive planning for the 2021-22 academic year. I'm pleased that this fall we will continue our progress toward "Reuniting The Beach," offering 4,276 course sections with a full or hybrid in-person component (roughly 47% of the total). Our fall class schedule is subject to change in case any adjustments become necessary. By spring, we anticipate resuming to 100% of our pre-pandemic, in-person campus course offerings. We have long offered…