Research Mentor News, October 2017
On September 26, BUILD celebrated its third year on campus and second year with students. Soon, we’ll be pulling together and submitting our bid for BUILD II. We hope that you’ll participate with us!
Faculty Mixers this Semester
The next Research Mentor Mixer is planned for Thursday, Oct. 26, at the Niggli Center in the College of Engineering, ECS 312. The mixer will take place from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm and a delicious lunch will be provided. We hope to see you there!
Recruiting 2018-19 Trainees Will Begin in November
We have already begun recruiting students for our 2018-2019 BUILD Associates, Scholars, and Fellows classes. The students will be asked to find an appropriate mentor on the BUILD directory. Please take a moment to review your entry on the BUILD Faculty Mentor Directory site to ensure it is up to date. If you need help updating your entry or will not be able to accept students next year, please email
One More Multicultural Training Left This Semester
Did you miss the BUILD Multicultural Workshops in September? Never fear! There are two more opportunities to fulfill this requirement of being a BUILD Mentor coming up in November. As a reminder, attending at least one workshop is required of all BUILD mentors who have or will be accepting trainees into their lab. Even if you have already satisfied this requirement, we encourage you to attend workshops of interest.
• Effective Mentoring in a Multicultural Setting, Workshop 2 will cover Unconscious Bias, Stereotype Threat, and Empowering Underrepresented Students in a Diverse Classroom backgrounds. You have two times from which to choose: Friday, Nov. 3, 1 to 3 pm and Tuesday, Nov. 7, 10 am to 12 pm.
For more information, visit the Multicultural Workshops webpage.
Mentor Orientation Videos Now Available

Do you need a refresher on your BUILD Mentor training? Need to bone up on a specific BUILD topic? Want to update your profile in the Research Mentor Database? Training videos are now available to you on the BUILD website! Ranging from about a minute to about six minutes in length – most around 2 minutes long – you’ll find what you need on the Mentor Orientation Videos page.
#MyBUILDSummer Campaign

The Diversity Program Consortium, in an effort to foster community and collaboration among BUILD participants across the nation, created a social media campaign around the hashtag #MyBUILDSummer. Trainees from all the BUILD sites participated by posting images to their Facebook and Instagram accounts along with this hashtag. Several of our trainees shared highlights from their summer with BUILD, both on and off campus. You can see the aggregated results here.
Summer Internship Highlights

Five Year 2 Scholars shared their summer internships experience and advice in the latest article on the BUILD website. Check out what Rudolf Cheong, Vivianna Goh, Adam Grosvirt-Dramen, Jairo Maldonado and Vicky Phun have to say about their internship experiences here.
First Fall 2017 Colloquium
Our first BUILD colloquium took place on Friday, Sept. 29. Dr. Elisa Maldonado from the University of San Diego Office of Undergraduate Research shared her research experience as a marine biologist at Scripps Institute of Oceanography and Harvard and shared her career path into fostering undergraduate diversity in research. She was joined for a question and answer session afterward by Willie Thompson from the UCSD Graduate Division and STARS internship program who provided valuable information about summer internships and graduate admissions. Stay tuned for information about our second Colloquium on Nov. 17.
Coming Next Issue …
- SACNAS Report
- Planning for BUILD II
- Recruiting Trainees for 2018-19
Be Prepared
If you'd like to know what is coming up in the BUILD Learning Community for your mentee, download the current syllabus. This will give you a heads up on what events your mentee is required to attend and therefore will not be available to work in your lab at that time. This page will be updated each semester with the new syllabi.
Communicating with BUILD
We invite your news about your BUILD Trainee and any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions about BUILD. If you have any of these, in relation to being a BUILD Research Mentor, please contact us at If you have any concerns about your BUILD Student, please contact us at
Be sure to keep an eye out for the November newsletter.