Dr. Alyssa Abbey

Research by students in Dr. Alyssa Abbey's laboratory, in CNSM's Earth Science Department, focuses on understanding long-term changes in landscapes and what factors lead to those changes, from tectonic activity to climate change. By dating when faults start moving, how fast they move and how long they are active, Dr. Abbey and her students can examine how growing mountains change river routes and mammal migration patterns.
The Abbey laboratory team also investigates the methods geologists use to date landscape changes – including how scientists track and report errors and how to model the data they collect.
Finally, Dr. Abbey and her team are also interested in Geoscience education. Their research in this area examines how different teaching practices including immersive field experiences and job skill training can increase student interest, understanding, and belonging in STEM.
Learn more about Dr. Alyssa Abbey and her work: Abbey Lab.