Area 2: Approved GE Courses
Reminder: Access your Academic Requirements Report (ARR) to see your progress towards completing GE requirements. Continue to regularly connect with your academic advisor to plan your GE course selections. Plus, refer to the Schedule of Classes to see which courses are offered for a specific term.
The courses below are approved GE courses that fulfill Lower-Division Area 2:
Subject/ Number | Title |
CECS 180 | Data Computing for Everyone |
HDEV 190 | Elementary Statistics |
MATH 104 | The Power of Mathematics |
MATH 109 | Modeling with Algebra |
MATH 111 | Precalculus Trigonometry |
MATH 112A | Essential Algebra A |
MATH 113 | Precalculus Algebra |
MATH 115 | Calculus for Business |
MATH 116 | Finite Math |
MATH 119A | Survey of Calculus I |
MATH 122 | Calculus I |
MATH 123 | Calculus II |
MTED 110 | Real Number System for Elementary and Middle School Teachers |
PSY 110 | Elementary Statistics |
SOC 170 | Elementary Statistics |
STAT 108 | Statistics for Everyday Life |
STAT 118 | Introductory Business Statistics |
The courses below are approved GE courses that fulfill Upper-Division Area 2 or 5:
Subject/ Number | Title | Cross-Listed Courses |
ANTH 405 | Principles of Archaeology | |
ANTH 438 | Evolution of Sex and Reproduction | |
ASAM 350 | Environmental Justice | GEOG 350 |
A/ST 311 | Statistics and Asian Societies | |
ASTR 370 | Planetary Environments | |
BIOL 300 | Human Immunology: In Self-Defense | |
BIOL 301 | Biology of Human Aging | |
BIOL 355 | Microbial Ecology | |
BIOL 370 | General Genetics | |
CAFF 305 | What Happens in Vegas...Consumer Behavior and the Casino Gaming Industry | HM 305 |
CAFF 425 | Personal Financial Planning and Analysis | |
CBA 321 | Business Topics for Non-Business Students | |
CDFS 405 | A Practical Approach to Social Science Research | |
C E 490 | Senior Design Project | |
CECS 490A | Computer Engineering Senior Project I | |
CECS 491A | Computer Science Senior Project I | |
CEM 490 | Construction Project Management | |
CH E 470 | Chemical Engineering Design | CH E 470H |
CH E 470H | Chemical Engineering Design (Honors) | CH E 470 |
CHEM 301 | Naturally Dangerous | |
CHEM 304 | Chemistry in the Kitchen | |
COMM 307 | Measurement in Communication Research | |
CRJU 325 | Statistics for Criminal Justice | |
DANC 360 | Quantitative Analysis of Dance Injuries: Prevention and Recovery | |
E E 380 | Probability, Statistics and Stochastic Modeling | |
ECON 300 | Fundamentals of Economics | |
ECON 372 | International Economics | |
ENGR 302 | Energy and Environment: A Global Perspective | |
ENGR 340 | Guitar Electronics: Engineering Sound | |
ENGR 370 | Astronautics and Space | |
ERTH 300 | Earth Systems & Global Change | |
ERTH 303 | Coastal Systems and Human Impacts | |
ES P 392 | Climate Action and Sustainability at CSULB | GEOG 392 |
FMD 356 | Fashion Retail Management | |
GEOG 325 | Geography of Climate Change | |
GEOG 331 | Climate Crisis in California Environments | |
GEOG 350 | Environmental Justice | ASAM 350 |
GEOG 354 | The Anthropocene: Earth in the Era of Humans | |
GEOG 359 | Coastal and Marine Science and Policy | |
GEOG 371 | Geospatial Science for Health | |
GEOG 392 | Climate Action and Sustainability at CSULB | ES P 392 |
GEOG 486 | Field Methods in Landscape Analysis | |
GERN 401 | Human Aging | |
HCA 341 | Financial Management of Health Care Institutions | |
H SC 403 | Community Health Statistics | |
H SC 422 | Environmental Health | |
HDEV 303 | Interdisciplinary Approaches to Health Disparities | |
HDEV 308 | Pseudoscience vs. Science: The Impact of (Un)Scientific Data on Human Development | |
HIST 390 | The Environmental Evolution of Asia | |
HIST 400 | History of Western Scientific Thought | |
HM 305 | What Happens in Vegas...Consumer Behavior and the Casino Gaming Industry | CAFF 305 |
I S 310 | Business Statistics I | |
I/ST 342 | Powering the Future | |
JOUR 411 | Data Detectives: Democracy, Citizen Journalism and Open Government | |
KIN 300 | Biomechanics of Human Movement | |
LING 424 | Laboratory Phonetics | |
MAE 305 | Numerical Methods in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering | |
MATH 303 | Reflections in Space and Time | |
MATH 304 | The Art of Mathematics | |
MATH 309 | Complexity and Emergence | |
MATH 361A | Introduction to Mathematical Analysis I | |
NRSG 450 | Introduction to Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice | |
NUTR 436B | Advanced Nutrition II | |
PHIL 370 | Rationality and Decisions | |
PSY 310 | Intermediate Statistics | |
PSY 378 | Health Psychology | |
PSY 379 | Psychology of Stress | |
SCED 301 | Science for Early Childhood | |
SOC 355 | Quantitative Methods of Social Research |