MSIO Prerequisite Course Descriptions

PSY 220 – Research Methods
Introduction to basic research methods in Psychology. Principles of experimentation, naturalistic observation, correlational studies.
PSY 310 – Intermediate Statistics
Basic theoretical concepts of statistics and use of these concepts in selection and development of model testing, hypothesis testing and parameter estimation procedures. Both single measure (univariate) and correlation (bivariate) concepts are included.
*Note: Applicants must have 2 semesters or 3 quarters of statistical coursework.
PSY 314 – Psychological Assessment
Principles of assessment applied to the measurement of individual behavior and to programs intended to affect behavior. Includes interviews, tests and other methods.
PSY 351 – Social Psychology
Study of individuals and groups as they are affected by social interactions. Topics may include social cognition, attitudes and persuasion, social influence, interpersonal perception and attraction, aggression, altruism, and group dynamics.
PSY 381 – Introduction to Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Introduction to theories, methods, findings, and applications of industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology. Topics covered include job analysis, employee recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, employee training and development, work stress, teams, satisfaction, motivation, and leadership.
PSY 453/553 – Principles of Group Dynamics
Behavior in groups with attention to such factors as leadership, followership, interaction and influence including organization, management, morale, and efficiency. Problems, techniques and methods of investigation.
Important: Students missing one or two prerequisite(s) at the time of application may be offered provisional admission, and will be required to complete the missing course(s) prior to starting the MSIO program in the fall. CSULB frequently offers several of the prerequisite courses during the summer session, and some are instructed in asynchronous online format. If PSY 310 is not completed and the applicant is admitted, the student will be asked to complete the course in the fall of their first year in the MSIO program