Internship Course
Faculty Internship coordinator: Dr. Lauren Heidbrink (
For students enrolled in HDEV 470 in the Summer or Fall of 2025, the internship paperwork deadline is coming up. Below we provide information on your eligibility to enroll in HDEV 470, mandatory orientation sessions, and deadlines. We want to make sure that all students know what they must do to enroll in the class. Our goal is to get you to graduation. Help us (and yourself) by making sure that, if you are eligible for HDEV 470, you follow the steps to enroll in the class and to find an internship.
The following is a step-by-step guide for those planning to enroll in HDEV 470 in the Summer AND Fall of 2025.
Internship Enrollment Checklist:
- Determine whether you meet the minimum eligibility requirements
- Graduating Senior in Human Development in your final semester;
- Have 18 or fewer units remaining to graduate;
- Have completed HDEV pre-reqs with a ‘C’ or better (including HDEV 190, 307, 310, 320, 327, 357)
- Register for a section of HDEV 470 during your University registration access period
- Attend one mandatory live orientation on Zoom or in person
- Mon., March 10, 2025, 10:00AM PST:
- Thurs., March 13, 2025, 3:00PM PST:
- Friday, March 14, 2025, 10AM PST: LA4-105
- Secure an internship placement at an appropriate practicum site (list of pre-approved partner sites on S4 or you may petition to have an alternative internship approved that is not on the pre-approved list). Due on May 9, 2025
- Request a Placement Exception (if applicable) via S4. This will take time so make sure to start early. Due by May 5, 2025
- Register your internship placement via S4. No changes to internships after submitting the form. Due on May 9, 2025
- Have your supervisor complete the Sponsor Approval Form via S4. You are responsible for making sure that your supervisor submits their required portions of the forms.
- Complete the pre-internship requirements as determined by your practicum site supervisor
Begin working hours at your practicum by the first week of classes
Mandatory Orientation:
Students are required to attend one orientation session. You do not need to RSVP, but don’t wait until the last session!
Students who do not attend an orientation can be dropped from the class. The orientation and additional resources are located on the Orientation to HDEV 470 Internship Class on Canvas.
Submit Required Internship Forms:
(A step-by-step guides are available on the HDEV 470 Orientation Canvas page.) After you have found an internship, please complete the placement registration and sponsor signature form via S4. As you fill in the information and click through S4, the link to the Sponsor Approval form will be sent to your supervisor via S4 to complete. No changes to internships are allowed after submitting to S4.
Questions? Concerns:
After attending an orientation and after reviewing the HDEV 470 Orientation information and resources, please contact the HDEV Internship Coordinator, Dr. Lauren Heidbrink ( with any questions of concerns. If you are unsure of your eligibility to enroll in HDEV 470, please schedule an appointment with your advisor Dr. Rachna Soni at