Degree Requirements
Human Development is a supportive community with dedicated faculty and staff. HDEV students have access to friendly faculty, high-quality advising, dynamic programs, student groups, alumni, and resources to support them as they navigate college and look to their futures.
HDEV students learn about cognitive, social, and biological development from birth to death in the context of family, culture, and society.
Our classes combine psychology, biology, anthropology, and sociology to prepare students for rewarding career paths in therapy, social work, counseling, health, education, advocacy, business, research, and more.
We value and promote social justice and offer students opportunities to make positive impacts in their communities and around the globe.
Downloadable Advising Planners are found below:
HDEV Major Advising Planner
HDEV Minor Advising Planner
Bachelor of Arts in Human Development
A major in Human Development at CSULB offers students core knowledge and essential skills to make a difference for individuals, families, and communities in a diverse and changing world.
Students choose 2 of the following 4 lower division courses and earn the letter grade of "C" or better.
- ANTH 120: Intro to Cultural Anthropology
- HDEV 180: Lifespan Human Development
- PSY 100: General Psychology
- SOC 100: Principles of Sociology
Core HDEV courses must follow the block sequence below, no exceptions. Must earn the letter grade of "C" or better.
- Block 1
- HDEV 190/250: Elementary Statistics (alternatively, credit can be awarded for PSY 110/210 or SOC 170/250)
- HDEV 307: Approaches to Childhood – Adolescence
- HDEV 310: Qualitative Methods in Human Development
- HDEV 357: Approaches to Adulthood – Aging
- Block 2
- HDEV 320: Quantitative Methods in Human Development
- HDEV 327: Approaches to Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
- Block 3
- complete 1 of the following HDEV 400 Level Courses
- HDEV 402: Development of Thought
- HDEV 403: The Acquisition of Culture
- HDEV 404: Living and Dying in a Digital Age
- HDEV 405: Latin American Childhoods
- HDEV 406: Personal Narrative & Storytelling
- HDEV 407: Child & Adol. Mental Health
- HDEV 408: Race and Racism on HDEV
- HDEV 416: Society to Synapses
- HDEV 417: Critical Perspectives in Successful Aging
- HDEV 490 - Selected Topics in HDEV
- HDEV 470: Seminar & Practicum
- complete 1 of the following HDEV 400 Level Courses
- Students complete 3 Units from approved course list of HDEV Upper Division and earn the letter grade of "C" or better.
Note: Cannot double count with any HDEV Core Course above. Taking additional HDEV Electives is recommended.
- 300 level
- HDEV 300; 303; 305; 340; 360; 375
- HDEV 331 (1 UNIT); 333 (1 UNIT); 335 (1 UNIT); 337 (1 UNIT)
- 400 level
- HDEV 402; 403; 404; 405; 406; 407; 408; 416; 417 or 490
Complete 3 Units from approved course list of HDEV Upper Division/Foundation-Biology Courses and earn the letter grade of "C" or better.
- HDEV Options
- HDEV 303: Health Disparities
- HDEV 416: Society to Synapses
- Anthropology Courses
- ANTH 315: Human Variation
- ANTH 319: Human Growth and Development
- ANTH 435: Human Evolution
- Biology Courses
- BIOL 300: Human Immunology: In Self-Defense
- BIOL 301: Biology of Human Aging
- Gerontology Courses
- GERN 401: Human Aging
- GERN 430: Aging and Dementia
- GERN 439: Nutrition and Aging
- GERN 482: Health Assessment of the Aging Client
- Health Science Courses
- HSC 333 Latino Nutrition, Health & Chronic Disease Prev.
- HSC 420: International Health
- HSC 421: Health Behavior
- HSC 422: Environmental Health
- HSC 425: Human Sexuality and Sex Education
- Nutrition Courses
- NUTR 333: Latino Nutrition, Health & Chronic Disease Prev.
NUTR 439: Nutrition and Aging
- NUTR 333: Latino Nutrition, Health & Chronic Disease Prev.
- PSY 241: Psychobiology
In addition to the HDEV Major Requirements above, students must also complete the following:
- Complete 120 Total Units (40 must be upper-division)
- GPA must be above 2.25
- Complete the General Education (GE) Courses
- Fulfill the Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) to be awarded a CSULB degree by either:
- GWAR Placement Exam score of 11 or higher and completing a Writing Intensive Course
- or complete a GWAR Portfolio Course + Writing Intensive (WI) Course
Minor in Human Development
A minor in Human Development complements any CSULB major by offering students core knowledge and essential skills to make a difference for individuals, families, and communities in a diverse and changing world.
Earn an HDEV Minor with only 5 classes (15 units)!
Take 1 of the below courses and pass with a C or better:
- HDEV 180 Lifespan Human Development
- ANTH 120 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
- PSY 100 General Psychology
- SOC 100 Principles of Sociology
Take 2 of the below Upper Division1 courses and pass with a C or better:
- HDEV 307 or 327
- HDEV 357
1Must be in upper division standing
Take 2 of the following courses and pass with a C or better:
- HDEV 190/250: Elementary Stats (alternatively: PSY 110/210 or SOC 170/250
- HDEV 205: Immigrant Youth in Long Beach
- HDEV 300: Death and Dying
- HDEV 305: Life Course and Generation in the Arab World
- HDEV 307: Approaches to Childhood
- HDEV 320: Quantitative Methods in Human Development
- HDEV 327: Approaches to Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
- HDEV 340: Families and Work: Life Course Processes
- HDEV 360: Cultural Foundations for HDEV
- HDEV 375: Everyday Ruptures: Risk & Resilience in HDEV
- HDEV 402: Development of Thought
- HDEV 403: Acquisition of Culture
- HDEV 404: Living and Dying in a Digital Age
- HDEV 405: Latin American Childhoods
- HDEV 406: Personal Narrative & Storytelling
- HDEV 407: Cultural Perspectives on Child & Adolescent Mental Health
- HDEV 416: Society to Synapses
- HDEV 470: Seminar & Practicum (requires application & orientation semester prior)
- HDEV 490: Selected Topics in HDEV