REGULATION VI - 2023/2024


The Office of Student Life and Development (SLD) oversees the recognition and registration of student organizations. Student Organizations refers to student clubs, club sports, student departmental organizations, student academic organizations, fraternities, sororities, honor societies, and coordinating councils.

A. Annual Registration for Recognized Student Organizations

  1. All student organizations must be registered and in “good standing” with the University for the following privileges:
    • To maintain University recognition
    • To use the University name as permitted
    • To use campus services, facilities, and grounds
    • To travel as a recognized student organization
    • To apply for Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) grants
    • To have a representative vote on a coordinating council (if applicable)
    • To receive advising and support from an SLD advisor
  2. The registration process with the Office of Student Life and Development is as follows:
    • Maintain an up to date BeachSync Organization Registration of the organization with five officers (i.e., President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and another officer) listed on the registration form
    • All officers must attend an Officer Orientation Workshop, which includes the Alcohol Regulation Compliance Agreement (ARCA)
    • Faculty & Staff Advisors must submit a Faculty and Staff Advisor Acceptance of Responsibility Form.  Any organization that elects new officers must notify their SLD advisor and submit an updated registration form within three weeks of the election to remain in good standing
    • Fraternity and Sorority chapters must also maintain a complete roster in BeachSync
    • Club Sports organizations must also register on Do Sports Easy and maintain a current BeachSync organization page to be completed no later than October 1 for the academic year
    • If a student organization fails to register by September 30, they are considered “not in good standing” and will lose privileges as listed in Sections A. 1. above. Student organizations “not in good standing” may register between December 1 – February 28 to obtain privileges as listed in A. 1. above for spring semester participation.  

B. New Clubs and Organizations

Students seeking recognition for a new student organization shall follow the procedures as outlined in the document New Student Organization Intake Interest Form ( available online via BeachSync. The final recognition process includes approval by the Director of SLD.  

C. Club Sports Organizations

Procedures for the establishment of forming a new club sports team or recreation organization, which is an activity within Club Sports and Recreation, shall be as follows:

  1. The process shall be initiated by meeting with the Club Sports and Recreation staff. After consulting with Club Sports and Recreation staff, the student initiating the new organization will receive the “Forming a New Sport Club” form which must be completed as part of the student organization intake process.
  2. After completing the form, another meeting shall be scheduled with the Club Sports and Recreation staff to review the application.

University partners (Facilities Management, Risk Management, Athletics, and Campus Events Office) will be consulted to determine the impact on facilities, current usage trends, and potential space allocation. The director of Student Life and Development will grant final approval to all new applications.

Reasons for denying approval to establish a new club activity may include but are not limited to the following: high risk, inability to secure a university approved secondary medical insurance policy, lack of on-or off-campus facilities, duplicate club team, the expense of the club, and for competitive clubs the absence of a National Governing Body or other University teams to compete against.

The Club Sports and Recreation staff will make a recommendation to the director of Student Life and Development regarding the recognition of a proposed club sports activity.

ASI provides funding directly to Club Sports and Recreation for distribution to the organizations to enhance campus life and student engagement. Post-season travel is funded in part by the ASI Board of Control.

D. Student Academic Associations

Student Academic Associations are student organizations established to support students within a major, minor, or certificate program. Procedures for the establishment of student academic associations shall be as follows:

  1. Interested student(s) schedule a meeting with the New Student Organization In-Take Coordinator through SLD. Through the consultation and guidance of the New Student Organization In-Take Coordinator, student(s) shall obtain written consent of the academic department offering a major, minor, or certificate in the subject that the student academic association shall support. Exceptions must be agreed upon by the Dean of the College and the Dean of Students.
  2. A student academic association must have a properly ratified constitution and bylaws on file with SLD. The group shall be recognized as the student association of that department and college when all SLD recognition conditions and requirements have been met. The student academic association shall also be considered a voting member of the college’s student organizations council. In case of disagreement in matters of recognition, the issue shall be decided by the Dean of Students.

E. Fraternities, Sororities, Honor Societies, Coordinating Councils, and Student Academic Association Councils

Fraternities, sororities, honor societies, coordinating councils, and student academic association councils request approval of their constitutions and bylaws from the Office of Student Life and Development following the recognition procedure available from the Office of Student Life and Development. Fraternities and sororities receive recognition through Fraternity & Sorority Life (FSL) within the department of SLD. The University in consultation with the FSL Council(s), determines when FSL expansion may occur. For a copy of the FSL Expansion Process documents or to inquire about possible expansion, contact the Office of Student Life and Development, USU-215, or

F. Updating Constitutions and Bylaws

All student organizations must update their constitutions and bylaws every five years from the last date of recognition or update. Updated documents must be submitted for all necessary approvals to the Office of Student Life and Development, USU-215. Student organizations must re-file constitutions and bylaws within 90 days after any substantive change or amendment.

G. Name Change for Student Organizations

Student organizations wishing to change their names must contact the Office of Student Life and Development, USU-215,, for the necessary procedures.

H. Discrimination

Our campus shall not recognize any fraternity, sorority, honor society, or other student organization that discriminates on the basis of race or ethnicity (including color, caste, and ancestry), religion (or religious creed), nationality, citizenship, age, medical condition, genetic information, gender (or sex), gender identity (including nonbinary or transgender), gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran or military status, or disability (physical or mental).  The prohibition on membership policies that discriminate based on gender does not apply to social fraternities or sororities or to other University living groups. Our campus shall not recognize any fraternity, sorority, living group, honor society, or other student organization unless its membership and leadership are open to all currently enrolled students at CSULB, except that a social fraternity or sorority or other university living group may impose a gender limitation as permitted by Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Sections 41500.

I. Hazing

Student organizations may not engage in hazing or commit any act that injures, degrades, or disgraces any fellow student. For the definition of hazing, see Regulation XVI, Standards for Student Conduct.

J. Disciplinary Procedures for Recognized Clubs or Organizations

Each officially recognized club or organization is responsible for the conduct of its members and its knowledge of, and compliance with, all University policies and regulations and applicable laws when engaging in club or organization activities or events, or when identified with or affiliated with such club or organizations. Copies of the Disciplinary Procedures for Officially Recognized Clubs and Organizations are available online through the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development (

K. Donations to Student Organizations

The solicitation of donations by student organizations is governed by the CSULB Administrative Guidelines, Donations-Solicitation of Gifts refer to SLD’s Polices & Procedures Regarding Fundraising and Donations website (
polices-procedures-regarding-fundraising-and) for more information.

Contributions (cash, checks) under $99,999 must be deposited at the ASI Business Office to ensure gift acknowledgment for the donor for possible tax deduction purposes. For assistance in properly accepting ANY contribution (cash, check, gift-in- kind), contact ASI, USU-229, or the director of development, Division of Student Affairs, BH-270. The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, has established procedures for administering scholarships and monetary awards by student
organizations (…). Information is also available from the Office of Student Life and Development, USU-215.

L. Off-Campus Bank Accounts

  • All monies collected in the name of a student organization for its activities must be used exclusively to further the organization’s goals and objectives
  • Student organizations may not conduct business of any kind through an off-campus bank account
  • Monies must be maintained in an ASI agency account
  • All revenues generated through activities sponsored using ASI funds must be deposited in the ASI Business Office
  • The authorized officers who sign for expenditures from an ASI agency account expressly represent that the funds are being used to further their organizations’ goals and objectives
  • Student organization officers are held personally responsible for the solvency of the club
  • An exception to this policy may be granted for student organizations that provide the University with documented permission to use the federal tax identification number of their parent organizations

M. Financial Obligations to University and/or University Auxiliary

If a student organization has a valid financial obligation to the University and/or to a university auxiliary that is not paid within 60 days of the due date, the University and/or its auxiliary may place a hold on providing further services to that organization until such debt is paid.

In addition, said organization will be not in “good standing” with the University. All-access to the organization’s fiscal accounts may be suspended until the amount due is paid in full.