Complaints by Students

For assistance in determining the proper procedures for informal or formal complaint resolution, students are encouraged to contact the dean of students, USU-219,; the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development, USU-219,; or the Office of University Ombuds, Foundation Building (FND), room 140,

Debts Owed to the University

Failure of students to pay debts owed to the University may result in withholding of registration services. Delinquent debts include, but are not limited to, past due tuition and/or fees, lost keys, unpaid parking citations, fines, and property loss or damage (CSU Executive Order 145).

Students may contact Student Account Services, BH-155, (562) 985-5471 (select option 3) regarding fee debts owed.

Disability Rights

Federal and state laws require that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of their disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity of the University. Persons with disabilities must initiate requests for reasonable modification or accommodation.

Students with disabilities who need special assistance or modification to the University’s programs and/or activities should inform the person(s) responsible for these programs and/or activities immediately upon knowing that such modification is necessary. Request for reasonable accommodation in academic courses should be directed to the faculty member and to the Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) in the Student Success Center (SSC), room 110, If the modification or accommodation is inappropriate or insufficient, the student should seek the assistance of the Office of Equity and Diversity, FND-220,

The University is undertaking the Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) to comply with federal and state laws ensuring that individuals with disabilities can obtain classroom and administrative information provided via information technology as well as conventional printed materials. For more information, visit


Failure to respond to official University correspondence requesting that a student schedule an appointment with a University official and/or failure to keep such an appointment without prior acknowledgment may result in the freezing of that student’s University records or freezing of the student’s registration process or both.

Student Health Services

Upon recommendation of the attending clinician(s), the director of Student Health Services (with approval of the vice president for Student Affairs) may dismiss from further medical care or deny (refuse) medical care to a patient.

This policy applies to the termination of treatment for a specific condition or course of care, or termination of the doctor-patient relationship altogether. Denial of care is not considered patient abandonment if the provisions of this policy are observed. Denial of care may be considered in the following circumstances:

  • If the attending physician believes further treatment would be of no value; that is, the patient’s condition would not change or improve
  • If care cannot be provided safely or appropriately, due to the training and skills of the staff or the availability of appropriate equipment or other resources
  • If the patient will not follow the instructions of the physician, such as not taking the prescribed medication(s)
  • If the patient is threatening or abusive to the physician, other staff, or patients
  • If the clinician has a reasonable legal or ethical basis for believing the patient is misusing or selling drugs prescribed for their care

If the patient is no longer a student of the University, they may not receive medical care from Student Health Services (SHS) for a new condition. Continued care may be provided in accordance with the definitions stated in CSU Executive Order 943. III. E.

Student Health Center directors may authorize continued care to a patient who has become ineligible but has not completed prescribed treatment begun while an eligible student. Such care may continue to resolution of the current condition or until an appropriate referral has been accomplished. In no case should care extend more than one academic term beyond the loss of eligibility

A clinician who believes denial of care is warranted must consult with at least one other physician who is familiar with the patient’s circumstances.

If no other clinician is knowledgeable, the primary clinician must make arrangements for another clinician within SHS to see the patient on referral.

The second clinician reviews the appropriate clinical records and makes an independent decision of concurrence or non-concurrence. Both clinicians then present their findings to the director.

If the student believes that the termination of eligibility is unjustified, campus grievance procedures may be followed and submitted to the vice president for Student Affairs.