INTRODUCTION - 2023/2024

Regulations for Campus Activities, Student Organizations, and the University Community (Campus REGS) has been prepared to serve as a reference tool for students, faculty, and staff of California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) regarding policies and regulations of the campus community. The policies and regulations contained within this publication are intended to ensure freedom of expression and movement while providing for rights of privacy and the maintenance of the University as a peaceful learning environment. The REGS are considered to be official University policy but are subject to change at any time through the normal policy-making processes.

Any inconsistency in these summaries and the official policy statement or law shall be governed by the official policy statement or law unless the context indicates otherwise.

Statement of Intention

CSULB takes pride in its tradition of maintaining civility and mutual respect toward all members of the University community. This is intrinsic to the establishment of excellence in teaching and learning. This also contributes to the maintenance of a productive workplace and an overall positive campus climate. CSULB also takes pride in the diversity of its student body and employees and affirms that this diversity enriches the work and learning environment of the campus.

CSULB affirms that members of the CSULB community have the right to live, work, and learn in an environment free of discrimination. The University affirms the equal human worth of every individual and of distinctive groups of people, and it fosters fair and equal treatment and access for all members of the University community. The University will not tolerate discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, gender/sex, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion or religious creed, sexual orientation, veteran or military status, or any other basis not directly related to qualification, unless specified by law. These principles are applicable in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, employment policies, and in participation in University programs and activities or any other programs administered by the University.

In addition to meeting fully its obligations of nondiscrimination under federal and state law, CSULB is committed to creating a community in which a diverse population can learn, live, and work in an atmosphere of tolerance, civility, and respect for the rights and sensibilities of each individual, without regard to economic status, ethnic background, political views, or other personal characteristics or beliefs (Academic Senate Policy Statement 00-06). We are a campus that gives every member of the community an equitable chance for success.

CSULB maintains a tradition of being a civil and non-violent learning and working environment and practices zero tolerance for violence against any member of the University community. CSULB strives to prevent violence and enforce all laws and regulations regarding violence. All allegations of violence or threats of violence will be investigated. Violators of campus policies are subject to being cited by University Police and/or being referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development or other appropriate campus offices. Violations of criminal law are additionally subject to prosecution in the court of proper jurisdiction.


Campus REGS are adopted pursuant to the authority of the CSULB President, who is responsible for the educational effectiveness, academic excellence, and general welfare of the campus over which they preside. A violation of any of the orders and/or directives contained within this publication will, in addition to being a violation of applicable statutory codes, constitute a violation of an order of the University President.

For purposes of these regulations, the University president’s designee is the vice president for Student Affairs. The policies and regulations contained within this publication apply to students; student organizations (on or off campus); academic, non-academic, and administrative personnel; and other persons while on campus property or attending a campus function.

The effective date of the regulations is August 17, 2023

For more information or clarification, call (562) 985-7616