Campus Time, Place and Manner Regulations


Access to and use of designated University Property must be scheduled and registered in advance, as noted in the list of University Property set forth below. Certain uses of University Property may be subject to fees, require liability insurance, and/or an indemnity agreement which must be provided by those who seek to engage in such uses. All users assume responsibility for all damage they cause to University Property. Failure to pay for damage to University Property may jeopardize future access to and/or use of University Property and can result in discipline for Students and Employees who are responsible for the damage, as well as civil or criminal action.

For purposes of this Addendum the following terms shall apply, as set forth in the CSU’s Systemwide Time, Place, and Manner Policy:

A. Public Areas

A Public Area is University Property that is available for public assembly, marches, demonstrations, protests and debate.  Right of access and equality of access are provided in these areas, so long as activities are lawful and do not disrupt University operations. Content-based restrictions are prohibited, but reasonable time, place and manner regulations will be applied. Spontaneous activities may take place in Public Areas without pre-scheduling or reservations.

B. Limited Areas

A Limited Area is University Property available to the public but due to business operations, safety concerns, or other important University interests, is not open for assembling, marching, demonstrating or protesting. Activities in these areas may require scheduling and reservations with the University, and are available on a limited basis, subject to campus regulations that are narrowly tailored to address the University's legitimate business interests.

Access to and use of certain designated University Property must be scheduled and registered in advance, as noted in the list of University Property set forth below. Certain uses of University Property may be subject to fees, require liability insurance, and/or an indemnity agreement which must be provided by those who seek to engage in such uses. All users assume responsibility for all damage they cause to University Property. Failure to pay for damage to University Property may jeopardize future access to and/or use of University Property and can result in discipline for Students and Employees who are responsible for the damage, as well as civil or criminal action.

C. Non-Public Areas

Except for areas designated as Public Areas and Limited Areas, all remaining University Property, including the interiors of all buildings and facilities are Non-Public Areas. These areas are not open to the public and the University can restrict access to Non-Public Areas on a Content and Viewpoint Neutral basis.

If there is a University location not listed below, please contact the University administrator responsible for implementing this Addendum.