Accessible Technology Program

Location: Shakarian Student Success Center (SSSC) 240 
BMAC Main Office Location: SSSC 110
Phone: 562-985-5401
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm

The Accessible Technology Program, part of the Bob Murphy Access Center, is a technology and accessibility resource hub that provides support and services for students with disabilities, faculty, staff, and the campus community. BMAC-ATP provides alternative formats and assistive technology accommodations and support for BMAC students. Students may also receive access to a study room in the University Library as part of their approved accommodations. BMAC-ATP also provides one-on-one document accessibility training, document accessibility modular training, accessibility resources, captioning support, and group demonstration sessions for students, faculty, staff, and campus partners, who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in using assistive technology and accessible digital content.

Program Areas

Program Area NameDescription
Alternative FormatsProvides converted documents and educational materials to student with print-based disabilities into a format that they can access.
Assistive TechnologyProvides item, piece of equipment, software program or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities.
Captioning ServicesBMAC-ATP works in collaboration with Academic Technology Services (ATS) to caption videos with 100% accuracy for instructors with students who are deaf and hard of hearing enrolled in their courses.
Remediation ServicesBMA-ATP offers document remediation and accessibility check services for our campus partners.
Accessibility Best PracticesBMAC-ATP offers Canvas Accessibility training modules to learn basic document accessibility and offers Accessibility Resources for various contents.
BMAC Study RoomBMAC, in collaboration with the University Library, provides a private room in the library. This room is specifically designed for students who require a quieter and more secluded space to study. 
Loaner LaptopsBMAC offers loaner laptops to students who need a computer device to use with their accommodated Assistive Technology. This is a coordinated effort along with the Mental Health Case Management team, who will then reach out to Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) to provide a laptop for the student to use.