Nery Gabriel Lemus

September 14–December 15, 2023

Nery Gabriel Lemus is a multidisciplinary artist born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. The Museum presents the artist’s 2016 installation sculpture, A Memorial to Three Unknown Females, which commemorates three women who died along the U.S-Mexico border. The work is inspired by sawdust carpets used most traditionally in religious processions throughout Central America. Using this historical form and the influence of the installation work of Carl Andre, Lemus created a contemporary carpet made from Ikea coir mats; in doing so he activates the act of remembering through historic cultural legacies.

Nery Gabriel Lemus
A Memorial to Three Unknown Females
Acrylic on 15 floor mats
96 x 115 in. 
Gift of the artist
Installation image by Tatiana Mata