Early Registration
The California Assembly Bill (AB) 2881 states that the California State University, each community college district, and the University of California offer a priority/early registration process for student parents.
CSULB students who are also parents are given early registration to allow for greater flexibility in pursuit of their educational goals. Early registration is an early appointment date and/or time that may precede most continuing students, new students, or students in any class level. Students with early registration will have access to a wider pool of classes and are encouraged to enroll at their assigned early registration time and day so that they can secure a spot in their preferred class choices. All students with dependents under the age of eighteen are eligible for early registration and can register by self-certifying through MyCSULB. Early registration is not a guarantee of priority registration or registration before student cohort.
In order to qualify for Early Registration, students must self-certify as a student with a dependent under the age of 18.
Please note that to be eligible for early registration, students must self-certify only once in the system.
- Deadline to self-certify for Fall registration – First Friday in March
- Deadline to self-certify for Spring registration – First Friday in October
Self-Certification for Students with Dependents
Students may self-certify that they are a parent of one or more children under the age of 18. All dependents must receive more than half of their support from that student. Students who self- certify as parents may qualify for early registration! Refer to Key Dates and Deadlines to ensure self-certification is submitted in a timely manner.
When you log in to MyCSULB Student Center for the first time, a certification message will pop-up (after matriculation) if you indicated on your Cal State Apply application that you live with at least one dependent child.

If this message appears, you can click on the link to be directed to the Dependent page.
You can also access the Dependent page directly by selecting “Dependents” from the drop down menu in the Personal Information section.

If you have at least one dependent child under the age of 18 for which you provide more than half of their financial support, select Yes and enter the Youngest Dependent’s Date of Birth.

Student Certification – check the acknowledgement checkbox and Submit your request.