Event - In-Person: College of Engineering Internship Roadshow

The College of Engineering Internship Roadshow event will include a workshop and an employer event.

12-12:30pm will include a workshop on "Landing and Securing Internships" to learn more about internship search tools and how to prepare for an internship.

12:30-2pm will include an employer panel and networking with well-known employers to learn tips and advice on what they look for in a candidate and share their internship opportunities with you. Employers include Northrop Grumman and Chevron.

While this in-person event has reached maximum capacity, you may still attend virtually by registering at https://csulb.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqd-Gvrz4rGNAHBmxRZ5h2D1iDaHWA8cdN.