Employer Programs & Services
Come recruit with us! The Career Development Center offers a variety of complimentary and fee-based services to support an organization’s recruitment needs.

Post unlimited jobs, internships, and other employment opportunities with CSULB students for free on CareerLINK, CSULB's online campus recruitment portal.
All current students and over 300,000 alumni have access to view and apply to postings in CareerLINK.
How to post a job
- If you haven't already, create an account on CareerLINK
- From CareerLINK click on "Job & Internships"
- Select "Job & Internship Postings"
- Select "Post A Job"
- Fill out the required fields to the best of your ability and click "Submit"
- Notification of approval will be sent to you via email

All postings will be reviewed by Career Development Center staff to ensure postings follow Job and Internship Posting Guidelines
Host an employer presentation to highlight your organization, increase brand awareness, share hiring needs, and connect with a targeted student population that fits your recruitment needs. Typical sessions last 60 minutes and include a presentation of the organization to highlight full-time and paid internship opportunities.
As a free service, employers are allowed to schedule one session per semester. Our Center sends targeted emails to students to promote the event and will also provide the Zoom room. We recommend that you submit information session request forms 2 weeks before your intended event. Signing up for this service allows Career Development Center staff to directly promote your session via direct email to the student population of choice. We also encourage our employer partners to advertise your session as well through any department, alumni, or student connections to campus. Information sessions can be held in person or virtually.
How to Schedule an Information Session
- From CareerLINK click on “Events”
- Select "Information Sessions"
- Complete the online form and submit
- Be sure to provide a presentation description & state what majors you are seeking
- This information is needed to promote your event
- A confirmation e-mail will be provided upon approval
Source and identify specific students to interview for your positions using our free applicant tracking platform. A Campus Interview job posting allows you to conduct your interviews at the CSULB Career Development Center (or virtually on our site) rather than at your own site.
A major benefit to conducting interviews through CSULB is that a Campus Interview posting has filters in place so that only students who meet your basic screening criteria can apply. Also, email blasts are sent out to eligible students to promote your Campus Interview opportunity generally giving you a large candidate pool of qualified students. CareerLINK Jobs takes care of setting up the interview schedule according to your specifications. You choose the type of interview that you prefer, select the candidates that you want to interview and CareerLINK does the rest. Campus Interviews accepts only full-time, entry-level professional positions or internships for this program.
How to Schedule a Campus Interview
- Log into CareerLINK
- Select "On-Campus Interviews"
- Select “Request a Schedule”
Complete the form and include the position description, requirements, and salary range, and submit.
Targeted engagement opportunities are less-traditional events to connect employers to specific CSULB student populations. These types of events are typically on an invite basis only but can be uniquely beneficial to employers that have established relationships with Career Development Center staff.
Industry Speaker Series
Share insights and increase visibility on campus by presenting an educational topic you are knowledgeable or passionate about, whether it’s industry trends, professionalism, or what it takes to be a great employee.
Experiential Learning Experiences
Offer students hands-on learning or short-term projects that ensure CSULB students gain and graduate with meaningful skills needed for successful employment
University Tabling
Tabling on campus in a high-visibility location to meet students interested in your organization's career opportunities and increase visibility allows your organization to connect with students where they are at.
While the Career Development Center does not host tabling on campus, under CSULB's free speech policy (with particular note to sections B.1, B.7, and C.1.e re tabling), any individual/non-campus group may come onto campus as long as they are in compliance with all applicable laws and CSULB policies and regulations. All logistics would be coordinated by your organization. Additional resources if planning to table using the CSULB free speech policy are the CSULB campus map when choosing a location and the CSULB master calendar when choosing a date. If you’d like to pay to rent a table, you can contact the Events office at EventsServices@csulb.edu.
Join Beach Nexus, CSULB’s mentoring and networking community at beachnexus.peoplegrove.com. Serve as an advisor, counselor, or guide to students in need of insight and advice on educational and career options, best networking practices, and goal-setting. The mentor is responsible for providing support to, and feedback on, the individual in their guidance. With the Beach Nexus mentor program, you can build a professional mentoring relationship with a fantastic CSULB student.
Are you looking to engage in recruitment options and services at CSULB, hire students for internship/full-time opportunities, or want to learn more about how to engage students on campus, you should definitely attend!
Employer Services Orientation
Our Employer Services Orientations are an opportunity to:
- Learn about our campus demographics and student population
- Meet members of the Employer Engagement team virtually
- Explore the variety of services and ways to connect with students on campus
- Network with other local recruiters
RSVP for free to attend and learn more! For Employer Services Orientations dates and times, visit Upcoming Events.
Connect with the Career Development Center
Schedule a meeting to learn more about recruiting at CSULB with any member of our Employer Engagement team.
- Dee Hyppolite: Partner Program and Employer Outreach
- Kayla Mock-Shneller: Information Sessions, Job Postings, and Employer Outreach
- Melodie Delgado: Job Fairs and Employer Outreach
- Heather Rapoza: Campus Interviews (CI) and Employer Outreach
What is a business case study?
Case studies provide students with real-world experience in a real-life business scenario or fictitious account of a business situation or dilemma. Business case studies can illustrate business theory and show the application of such theory.

What are the benefits?
Below are the benefits that the employer and student will gain from a case study:
- An innovative way for students to engage with employers
- Can lead to recruiting students
- Gauge students’ abilities with teamwork, critical thinking, professionalism, communication, self-awareness, innovation, and adaptability
- Inform students more about other job opportunities if available at the company
- Give companies ideas on how to solve real-life business problems that can be applied right away
- Students are able to learn more about the company to see if it is a good match to apply to an internship or future job opportunities
Example of case study
Leadership vs. Management Case Study
About: Leadership and management are different approaches that help companies thrive by inspiring their team and instilling strong values that trickle down to products and services that are produced. Leadership includes how you inspire your team through your model performance, open communication, creating a safe space, and bringing direction to reach goals and the larger vision of the company. Management includes leadership qualities but includes the strategies and structure for the day to day operation. This case study will look at how to use management and leadership strategies to ensure the success of the business.
Scenario: X Company has 2 clothing stores located in different districts of the state. The North Store has exceeded monthly sales expectations, works well within their team, and operates very smoothly with deadlines and shipments. The North Store team has been working together for several years. The South Store does not meet expectations for the monthly sales goals, receives customer complaints regularly, and blames each other for the stores’ failures and shipments are delayed to customers. The North Store team has many employee turnovers in the last year and a half.
Problem to Solve: If you were the Operations Manager for both stores and had to present a strategy in managing both stores, what leadership and management strategies would you use for both? Please take into account the needs of staff, sales goals’ and customer expectations.
Teamwork Instructions: Please take 30 minutes in your group to discuss the business case, create solutions for both stores, and how you will execute the solutions. Once you finish discussing, your group will give a 5minute report back to the larger group using 2 presentation slides. Please designate a presenter for your group.
Steps on hosting a business case study at CSULB
- Create a Business Case that will assist your company.
- Contact Internship Coordinator: Jeanna Trammell to schedule a meeting to discuss your business case idea.
- If it meets the needs for CSULB students and the company, set up a time and date to present the case study with CSULB students.
Fee-Based Services
These offerings are a great way to boost your recruitment efforts and engage with students on a larger scale. We provide many opportunities throughout the academic year for connection and promotion.
A job fair is a great opportunity for employers to connect with a large number of students, in one setting. Employers can have many 1-on-1 conversations with students throughout the event. Job fairs are offered in person and virtually.
Participating employers must meet the following criteria:
- Participating employers must have current hiring needs.
- Participating employers must have at least 1 employer representative in attendance for the entire duration of the 4-hour job fair; a minimum of 2 representatives is encouraged to attend throughout the job fair.
- Promotion of organization’s attendance and job and/or internship opportunities
How to Register for a Job Fair
- From CareerLINK click on "Events"
- Select "Career Fairs"
- Click "Sign Up" for the appropriate fair
- Complete the Registration Form including Job Posting and click "Submit".
For more information refer to the Quick Tour of Virtual Job Fairs for Employers.
Employers participating in recruiting activities at CSULB must meet the basic criteria outlined in the Provision of Services according to the CSULB Employer Services Guidelines.
Please review the Job Fair Policies for information regarding registration, payment, cancellation, and other important job fair-related details.
For job fair questions, please complete this form or schedule a 15-minute virtual meeting with a CDC staff member.
Check out our Employer Career Events page to register for the job fairs.
In-Person Job Fair
The in-person job fair is an on-campus opportunity to recruit talented CSULB students.
- Participating employers must have current hiring needs
- Delivery and shipment of display and materials
Virtual Job Fair
The virtual fairs will be web-based, live recruitment events, which utilize CareerLINK to connect “face-to-face” with attending students and recent alumni wherein employers will use their own video chat software (Zoom, Teams, WebEx, etc.) to interact with students. (2-Minute Video Overview of the Platform). Participation in our career fairs grants accesses to our diverse and well-prepared students including over 150+ student resumes! Our staff will provide live technical training weeks before the fair and maintain the highest standard of customer service before and during the fair. Job Fairs will continue to be conducted virtually until further notice.
- Participating employers must have at least 1 employer representative attend a technical walk-through held by CDC staff the week prior to the Job Fair.
- Access to a virtual job fair platform during 4-hours of a job fair to connect and connect with attending CSULB students and recent alumni
- Video-enabled meeting technology (if needed)
- Pre-fair job fair training hosted by CDC staff
- Attendance by up to 7 representatives per company
- Day-of-job fair technical support
Maximize your organization's recruitment efforts by participating in our Partner Program. The CSULB Employer Partner Program is designed to facilitate meaningful connections for organizations looking for long-term recruitment and with the intention to make CSULB the main source for filling multiple roles at our university.
Employers are invited to join the Partner Program on an annual basis beginning July 1st. Memberships are welcome up until September 15th; however, benefits expire on an annual basis on June 30th.

Strengthened Visibility
Advance company profile & recognition on campus with increased branding & promotion

Purposeful Impact
Enhance career development programs & services that support student & alumni talent

Strategic Collaboration
Expand partnerships & connections with students, alumni, faculty, staff, & campus organizations

Executive Partner $6,000
- Complimentary registration as a sponsor at 2 annual job fair events
- Development of a personalized recruitment plan to connect with the campus community
- Prime location and preferred parking at job fair events
- +Plus Senior Partner Benefits
Senior Partner $3,000
- Complimentary registration at 1 annual job fair event
- Company recognition and spotlight in Career Development Center publications
- Priority calendaring for information sessions and on-campus interviews
- +Plus Partner Benefits
Partner $1,500
- Targeted CareerNews and social media marketing opportunities
- CareerLINK positions posted on the “hot jobs” board
- Company profile on Career Development Center website
- +Plus Friend Benefits
- Complimentary partnership level to recognize organizations engaged with the Career Development Center via on-campus interviews, information sessions, and job fair events.
- Company display on Partners wall
Note: Part or all of the sponsorship may be tax-deductible.
Organizations interested in becoming CSULB Employer Partners may complete the Online Form or call (562) 985-4151.
Thank You to Our Current Partners