Career Profiles: Geology
Geology is the study of the Earth, its structure, its processes, its history, and the history of its plant and animal inhabitants. The realm of Geology includes the movement of continents across the surface of the globe, the raising up and wearing down of mountains, the coming and going of the ice ages, the life and times of the dinosaurs, the discovery and use of mineral deposits, and the prediction of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. As people and governments have become more aware of the Earth's limited resources and its limited capability to absorb pollution, geologists have taken an increasingly expanded role in the development of policies for the use of those resources and the control of pollution. Geologists still travel throughout the world searching for new oil and gas reserves and mineral deposits, but they also work with federal, state, and local agencies to develop ecologically sound environmental policies. Professional careers in geology normally require an advanced degree. The Master's is required for beginning research and teaching and exploration jobs. Advancement in geology careers usually requires the Ph.D. Geology majors should take course work in related sciences-physics, chemistry, engineering and in mathematics, statistics, and computer sciences-which enhance employability.

Career Possibilities:
Additional experience and/or education may be required
- Crystallographer
- Ecologist
- Environmental Analyst
- Geochemist
- Geodesist
- Geologist
- Geophysical Prospector
- Geophysicist
- Hydrologist
- Laboratory Assistant
- Mineralogist
- Oceanographer
- Paleontologist
- Petrologist
- Seismologist
- Soils Engineer
- Stratigrapher

Where Employed:
- Colleges and universities
- Engineering and consulting firms
- Government agencies
- Manufacturers
- Mining companies
- Petroleum companies
- Research and consulting firms
- Utilities

Career Research Resources:
- Career exploration, exclusive jobs & internships for CSULB students can be found on CareerLINK
- Guide to career information on Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Career exploration and job analysis - O*Net Online

CSULB College and Department Links:
- College website: College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Academic Advising: Undergraduate Advising Resources
- CSULB Degrees & Options: Colleges & Departments