Career Profiles: Biochemistry
CSULB Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Most biochemists deal with the chemistry of life process, such as metabolism, digestion and growth. Some biochemists are involved in research. Some do basic research which emphasizes increasing scientific knowledge. Others are involved in applied research --that is, they use basic research findings to solve practical problems or to manufacture needed products. The broad international umbrella of biochemistry allows individual scientists to specialize rather narrowly if they wish. Biochemists may design and construct a chemical apparatus or devise new tests. Some tests might use radioactive tracers.

Career Possibilities:
Additional experience and/or education may be required
- Analytical Chemist
- Assistant Researcher
- Associate Chemist
- Biochemical Engineer
- Biochemist
- Biophysicist
- Biostatistician
- Biotechnologist
- Chemical Oceanographer
- Chemical Safety Engineer
- Clinical Chemist
- Clinical Data Specialist
- Clinical Laboratory Scientist
- Clinical Research Coordinators
- Criminologist
- Dentist
- Environmental Scientist
- Food and Drug Inspector
- Forensic Scientist
- Inspector
- Lab Technician
- Materials Scientist
- Medical Sciences Managers
- Metabolism Chemist
- Natural Sciences Managers
- Nutritionist
- Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
- Pharmacologist
- Physician
- Product Developer
- Professor
- Public Health Educator
- Quality Control Coordinator
- Research Assistant
- Sanitarian
- Teacher (Primary/Secondary)
- Technical Sales Representative
- Technical Writer/Editor
- Toxicologist
- Veterinarian
- Water Purification Chemist

Where Employed:
- Agricultural chemical companies
- Army/Navy
- Biotech firms
- Chemical companies
- Colleges, universities and high schools
- Community medical laboratories
- Conservation agencies
- Cosmetics
- Department of Agriculture
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Food and Drug Administration
- Food and feed companies
- Food processors
- Genetic engineering laboratories
- Government agencies
- Hospitals and clinics
- Industry research foundations
- Medical laboratories
- National Science Foundation
- Public Health Departments
- National Institutes of Health
- Petroleum industry
- Pharmaceutical
- Public and private schools
- Publishers(textbook/magazine/newspaper/book)
- Regulatory agencies
- Research institutes
- Software firms
- University laboratories

Career Research Resources:
- Career exploration, exclusive jobs & internships for CSULB students can be found on CareerLINK
- Guide to career information on Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Career exploration and job analysis - O*Net Online

CSULB College and Department Links:
- College website: College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Academic Advising: Undergraduate Advising Resources
- CSULB Degrees & Options: Colleges & Departments