Career Profiles: Social Work
CSULB Department of Social Work
Social workers provide numerous services to help individuals and groups solve or cope with their social problems. They help people correct the hardships of poverty, racism, mental illness, physical or developmental disabilities, alcohol and drug abuse, chronic illness, dependency, delinquency, crime, neglect, aging, and abuse - the entire cycle of human life and problems. In working with individuals, families, groups, and communities, they apply specialized skills and knowledge in human behavior and relationships, community resources, social policies, and the structure and dynamics of social organizations and society.

Career Possibilities:
Additional experience and/or education may be required
- Child Welfare Caseworker
- Community Organization Administrator
- Delinquency Prevention Program Worker
- Director of Social Services
- Employment Program Supervisor
- Health Care Administrator
- Health Educator
- Hospice Services Coordinator
- Hospital Discharge Planner
- Industrial Social Worker
- Medical Social Worker
- Organization Administrator
- Probation or Parole Officer
- Psychiatric Social Worker
- Researcher
- Services Eligibility Worker
- Social Worker

Where Employed:
- Courts and correctional institutions
- Government agencies
- Hospitals and clinics
- Insurance companies
- Law enforcement agencies
- Mental health clinics
- Non-profit organizations
- Nursing homes
- Private agencies
- Public and private schools
- Social service agencies
- Universities and colleges

Career Research Resources:
- Career exploration, exclusive jobs & internships for CSULB students can be found on CareerLINK
- Guide to career information on Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Career exploration and job analysis - O*Net Online

CSULB College and Department Links:
- College website: College of Health & Human Services
- Academic Advising: Undergraduate Advising Resources
- CSULB Degrees & Options: Colleges & Departments