Diana Aguirre
Diana Aguirre, MPH
Research Associate / Program Manager
Ms. Aguirre is a bilingual, bicultural researcher with 7 years experience working with the community, more specifically the Latino community. She also has 4 years of experience coordinating nutrition education activities and research programs. Diana specializes in Latino Health and Nutrition. Her primary research interests include childhood obesity prevention, child and maternal health, chronic disease prevention, specifically diabetes prevention and management, stroke prevention, and food security. Much of her work focuses on chronic disease prevention and management in the Latino community. Her master’s thesis was a study that explored the association between parental education and income on dietary behavior and psychological factors among African American and Latino/Hispanic girls. Diana has experience implementing and developing health promotion programs and coordinating community based participatory research. She has worked closely with the Latino community ranging from children 2-12 years old, Latino young adults, parents, and older adults. In the span of her career, she has conducted needs assessments, facilitated focus groups, developed culturally and linguistically appropriate curricula with a focus on chronic disease prevention and nutrition, provided health education in topics of nutrition, childhood obesity, cardiovascular health and stroke prevention, diabetes prevention and management, infant CPR, HIV/AID prevention, and safer sex practices. Diana currently manages a childhood obesity prevention research study for Latino families, with children ages 5-12 years old.