BUILD Research Mentor News – February 2016
- BUILD Funding Opportunities Now Available
- Save the Dates: Multicultural Workshops Coming Soon
- Upcoming BUILD Technical Training Workshops
- 2016 Presidents' Commission Scholars Program Now Open
- Call for Abstracts: Faculty Research Symposium
- Summer Training for Junior Faculty Now Open for Applications
- Test Preparation Support Goes Beyond a Study Workshop
BUILD Funding Opportunities Now Available
Four BUILD funding opportunities have been announced to support CSULB BUILD Mentors.
- The Post-Doctoral Fellow Support
- The Collaborative Research Stimulation Grant (CRSG)
- The Research Stimulation Grant (RSG)
- The Small Equipment and Computer
Proposals and applications are due Monday, Feb. 29, 2016 by 5 pm PT.
Save the Dates: Multicultural Workshops Coming Soon
The following workshops for BUILD Research Mentors Faculty Center for Professional Development Conference Room (Library Room 507):
- Effective Mentoring in a Multicultural Setting: Cultivate awareness of cross-cultural communication patterns and expectations as faculty mentors of students of diverse social, linguistic, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds.
Two times to choose from: Tuesday, Feb. 23, from 10am to noon and Friday, Feb. 26, from 1 to 3pm. - Empowering Underrepresented Students in a Diverse Classroom: Develop effective communication skills used to foster relationships with underrepresented students and empower them to achieve academic and professional success in STEM and related disciplines.
Two times to choose from: Friday, March 18, from 1 to 3pm and Tuesday, March 22, from 10am to noon.
Remember, BUILD Research Mentors are required to attend at least one of these during their time as a mentor!
Upcoming BUILD Technical Training Workshops
Technical and research training opportunities are provided by CSULB BUILD to improve research capabilities and competitiveness of faculty, as well as enhance skills for students. Workshops on immunoassay and proteomics are coming up and application deadlines are Feb. 16.
2016 Presidents' Commission Scholars Program Now Open
CSUPERB plans to support 11 undergraduate biotechnology-related research experiences during the 2016 summer. Toward this goal, the Presidents' Commission Scholars program will make $8,000 grants to CSU student/faculty teams. Up to $2,000 of the budget is available for supplies, equipment and travel; the remainder of the budget is in the form of a scholarship for the students' academic and/or living expenses.
The Request for Proposals (RFP) deadline is Feb. 10, 2016 by 5pm PT, and award notification will take place in April. The RFP contains complete review criteria and eligibility requirements, submission information and proposal template.
Call for Abstracts: Faculty Research Symposium
Attention all College of Natural Science and Math (CNSM) faculty: You are invited to the 8th Annual CNSM Faculty Research Symposium taking place on March 11, 2016 from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the CSULB University Student Union Ballroom. If you would like to have your work featured during the Symposium, submit your abstracts by Friday, Feb. 12, 2016.
Summer Training for Junior Faculty Now Open for Applications
The Programs to Increase Diversity among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research, collectively referred to as PRIDE, is now accepting applications for its all expenses paid Summer Institutes. To be eligible to participate in the program, you must be in a faculty or research scientist position (or if a post-doc, be transitioning to a faculty position).
There are seven programs to choose from, all with research topics centered on heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders research; health disparities research relevant to heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders; and relevant research methodologies and approaches specific to these areas. Each Summer Institute provides mentored research training including didactic courses, grant writing and grantsmanship courses, special topic conferences and lab skills and mentoring networks and long-term research collaborations.
The programs are meant to address difficulties experienced by junior investigators in establishing independent research programs and in negotiating academic ranks. They assist junior faculty and transitioning post-doctorates from diverse backgrounds, enabling them to become competitive independent scientists.
For more information, download the program brochure here.
Test Preparation Support Goes Beyond a Study Workshop