
Empodérate (Empower Yourself): Palliative Care Training for Promotores de Salud (Community Health Workers) provided palliative care training for Promotores de Salud (Community Health Workers) using a train-the-trainer model. The California State University (CSU) Institute for Palliative Care partnered with CSU Long Beach (CSULB) Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation and Leadership Training, and with the Portland-based Familias en Acción to train 75 Spanish-speaking Community Health Workers (promotores de salud) on palliative care and chronic disease topics. Eligibility criteria included: 1) experience as a promotores (paid or volunteer), 2) Spanish-speaking, and 3) able and willing to share information with 10 additional Latino adults.

The settings for the four training workshops included a clinical site (a local hospital campus), a community center (Centro Salud es Cultura), and a business location (an international design firm). The trainings occurred over 14 months from 2017-2018. Each eight-hour training was provided by two Community Health Workers (promotores de salud) from Familias en Acción and were conducted in Spanish using the Empodérate: Empower Yourself curriculum.


UniHealth Foundation, Gary and Mary West Foundation


  • 76 promtores de salud trained
  • Reach: shared with 2,734 Latino families 
  • 406 sessions replicated

The promotores were asked during 6-month follow-up phone interviews to identify training information that was most helpful to their participants.  Top themes that emerged included how to talk to your doctor (n=19), awareness of patient rights and respectful treatment of patients (n=15), a holistic view of health (e.g. emotional, spiritual, physical, mental) (n=15), how to prepare for a medical appointment (n=10), the Senderos booklets (booklets for health and medication management), chronic disease management (n=12), palliative care definition (n=9), how families can support the palliative care process, medication management support, a better understanding of end-of-life care. Simply creating awareness that help exists was also mentioned as the most helpful component of the workshop.

“El conocer que tienen derechos como pacientes y se mostraron muy agradecidos por proporcionarles el libro de Senderos ya que esto les facilitará más cómo manejar sus medicinas: cómo las toman, para qué sirven, cada cuándo las tomas, efectos secundarios, si tiene alergias, si tienen exámenes próximos, o cuáles ya tienen. En si, dijeron que será su guía de hoy en adelante.” (The knowledge that they have rights as patients and they were very thankful for the Senderos books since those will help them manage their medications: how to take them, what they are for, when to take them, what secondary effects to expect, what to do if you have an allergic reaction, if you have up-coming exams, or which you have already completed. In short, they said it would be their guide from today forward.)

Dr. Joy Goebel's profile picture

Joy Goebel, RN, PhD, FPCN
Empodérate Co-PI
School of Nursing
California State University, Long Beach

Dr. Mara Bird's profile picture

Mara Bird, PhD
Empodérate Co-PI
Center for Latino Community Health
California State University, Long Beach

Blank profile


Familias en Acción Educators and Promotores

Olga Gerberg and Pilar Alcantar Trujillo

CSULB Center for Latino Community Health Promotores de Salud

Ana Romo and Maria Becerra

Research Interns

Jacqueline Garay, Christina Ta, and Eldy Martinez

Center for Latino Community Health Staff

Lorena Martinez and William Lucas