
Student Recreation and Wellness Center Arrives on Campus
After years of planning and construction, the Student Recreation and Wellness Center opens its doors for Fall 2010.

First Rhodes Scholar
Stephanie Bryson, class of 2011, becomes the first Rhodes Scholar at CSULB.
Furlough Protests
Students, dressed in red, join faculty and staff members from every department to present a united front in protesting the furlough cuts during the 2010-11 academic year.

Women's Gender and Equity Center
The Women's Resource Center changes its name to the Women's Gender and Equity Center in 2014 and revises its mission, vision and values to expand its services to all gender identities and expressions.
A New President Arrives
Jane Close Conoley becomes the seventh university president in 2014, and the first woman in a non-interim role to hold the office in the 65-year history of the campus.

President Jane Close Conoley
Beach Athletics Renaming
Athletics drops the 49ers mascot and nickname, and solidifies the moniker "Beach Athletics."
Silent Protest
A yellow blindfold is placed over the eyes of Prospector Pete as part of “Blind to History” in 2014, and yellow flags are placed near the statue as part of an annual installation representing the deaths of more than 130,000 indigenous Californians between 1846 and 1900.

Student Success Center Groundbreaking
The Peterson Hall 2 Renovation Project provides a “Student Success Center” in 2017, a home for campus organizations that provide student support.
CPIE Building Opens
Two years after breaking ground on construction, the new College of Professional and International Education (CPIE) building opens for classes and events on campus in Fall 2018.

Prospector Pete Retired
Cal State Long Beach retires its mascot, Prospector Pete and ASI passes a resolution to move the statue to the new alumni center in 2018.
Bob Murphy Access Center
The newly renovated Student Success Center becomes home to the Bob Murphy Access Center in 2019 - formerly known as Disabled Student Services - and BUILD, which supports undergraduate research in the health sciences, and the Women’s Gender & Equity Center.

New Mascot Selected
President Jane Close Conoley ratifies a student-initiated vote that selected the shark as the new university mascot in May 2019. The new mascot makes its debut in August 2020.