
Big West Conference Champs
The Dirtbags win the prestigious Big West Conference crown in the spring of 1992. Forty-Niner Jason Giambi led the team in batting average and was a starting member of the 1992 U.S. Olympic Team.

Jason Giambi
The Blue Pyramid Arrives
Ground is broken for The Pyramid on Dec. 17, 1992, an athletic arena housing 5,000 spectators. The arena, which opens on Nov. 30, 1994, becomes home to the men's and women's basketball and volleyball teams.

The Pyramid, under construction

The Pyramid, completed
The Carpenter Performing Arts Center Opens its Doors
Built in 1994, the Richard and Karen Carpenter Performing Arts Center opens its doors to large and small productions, concerts, and other special events. With a 1,054-seat capacity and a stage modeled after the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the Carpenter Center also houses the Richard & Karen Carpenter Exhibit, a permanent display of awards and memorabilia from the music duo the Carpenters, both former CSULB students.

Performing Arts Center, under construction

Performing Arts Center, completed
President Maxson Brings the "Go Beach" Spirit
Robert Maxson becomes the fifth president at CSULB after President Curtis McCray retires in 1994.

Maxson popularizes the "Go Beach" phrase, adding the slogan in his speeches and across campus.

Inaugural President's Scholars Class
President Maxon introduces the first President's Scholars class of 10 students in Fall 1995. President's Scholarships are the most prestigious merit-based scholarships awarded by The Beach and have helped make CSULB a university of choice for students across the country.
SOAR Arrives on Campus
Student Orientation Advising Registration (SOAR), a service tailored for incoming and transfer CSULB students, opens its doors in 1995. The mission of SOAR is to holistically address students' academic and social transition to The Beach. Services include: group advising sessions, a bulletin, schedule of classes, a set of common experiences and information designed to set the tone for student achievement.
Big West Conference Basketball Champs
The Men's Basketball team wins the Big West Conference Championship in 1995.
Workability IV Program
Disabled Student Services, in partnership with the California Department of Rehabilitation, establishes the Workability IV Program in 1996 to assist students with disabilities in obtaining jobs and careers.
Women's Volleyball Perfect Season
The 1998-1999 Women's Volleyball team, led by Misty May, finishes a perfect 36-0 undefeated season, along with a second NCAA Championship. Misty May-Treanor eventually goes on to become a three-time Olympic Gold medalist.