
Publications Overview

In addition to the array of projects that the CSULB Center conducts, the Center provides extensive national thought leadership and produces white papers, peer-reviewed research articles, and other materials that further our mission of promoting the health and well-being of the Latino population. The Center’s research has appeared in such publications as the Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved, Public Health Genomics, the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, and the Journal of Latino Studies.


  1. Gatdula, N., Costa, C. B., Rascón, M. S., Deckers, C. M., & Bird, M. (2022). College students’ perceptions of telemental health to address their mental health needs. Journal of American College Health & Human Service. PDF icon Download (PDF)
  2. Frank, G. C., Centinaje, E., Gatdula, N., Garcia, N., Nguyen-Rodriguez, S. T., Bird, M., Rios-Ellis, B. (2021), Culturally Relevant Health Education: A Foundation for Building Cultural Competence of Health Professionals. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. PDF icon Download (PDF)
  3. Garcia, M., Nguyen-Rodriguez, S., Gatdula, N., Aguirre, D., Rascón, M., Bird, M., Rios-Ellis, B., Frank, G. (2021). The Outcomes of Interprofessional Experiential Learning for Underrepresented Racial/Ethnic Minority Students to Address Latino Childhood Obesity. Pedagogy in Health Promotion Journal. PDF icon Download (PDF)
  4. Perreira, K. M., Abreu, M., Youngblood, M. E., Alvarado, C., Cobo, N., Crespo-Figueroa, M., Garcia, M. L., Giachello, A. L., Pattany, M. S., Talavera, A. C., & Talavera, G. A. (2020). Retaining Hispanics: Lessons from the Hispanic Community health Study/ Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL). American Journal of Epidemiology, 189(6), 528-531. PDF icon Download (PDF)
  5. Frank, G. C., Nguyen Rodriguez, S. T., Bird, M., Garcia, M., Gatdula, N., Centinaje, E., Rascón, M., & Rios-Ellis, B. (2020). Primary Outcomes of a Healthy Lifestyle Intervention for Latino Families. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 18(1), 29-38. PDF icon Download PDF
  6. Goebel, J., Bird, M., & Martinez, I. (2020). Empowering the Latino Community Related to Palliative Care and Chronic Disease Management through Promotores de Salud (Community Health Workers). Journal of Palliative Medicine. View Article Details
  7. Garcia, M.L, Crespo, N., Behar, A.I. Talavera, G.A., Campbell, N., Shadron, L., & Elder, J.P. (2020). Examining Hispanic/Latino mothers’ Perceptions of their Child’s Weight: Comparison of Silhouette and Categorical Survey Methods. Childhood Obesity, 16(1), 44-52. doi: 10.1089/chi.2019.0015 PDF icon Download (PDF)
  8. Garcia, M. L., Castañeda, S. F., Allison, M. A., Elder, J. P., & Talavera, G. A. (2019). Correlates of Low-Adherence to Oral Hypoglycemic Medications Among Hispanic/Latinos of Mexican Heritage with Type 2 Diabetes in the United States. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 155, 107692. PDF icon Download (PDF) | View Article Details
  9. Castañeda, S. F., Garcia, M. L., Lopez-Gurrola, M., Stoutenberg, M., Emory, K., Daviglus, M. L., & Youngblood, M. E. (2019). Alcohol Use, Acculturation and Socioeconomic Status Among Hispanic/Latino Men and Women: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. PLoS ONE, 14(4), e0214906. Download Article
  10. Garcia, M. L., Gatdula, N., Bonilla E., Frank, G.C., Bird, M., Rascón, M., & Rios-Ellis, B. (2019). Engaging Intergenerational Hispanic/Latinos to Examine Factors Influencing Childhood Obesity Using the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 23(6), 802-810. PDF icon Download (PDF) | View Article Details
  11. Bird, M., Rios-Ellis, B., Globerman, J., Gogolishvili, D., Welbourn, A., Brizay, U., Golob, L., Heidari, S., Rourke, S.B. Using Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches in HIV: Three Case Studies. in Handbook of Community-based Participatory Research (Book Chapter), Edited by Steven Coughlin, Selina Smith and Maria Fernandez. 2017. Oxford University Press
  12. Ulrike Brizay, Lina Golob, Jason Globerman, David Gogolishvili, Mara Bird, Britt Rios-Ellis, Sean B Rourke, Shirin Heidari (2015). Community-Academic Partnerships in HIV-related Research: a Systematic Literature Review of Theory and Practice. Journal of the International AIDS Society. PDF icon Download (PDF) | View Article Details
  13. Frank, G. C., Beaudoin, J., Rascon, M., Garcia-Vega, M., & Rios-Ellis, B. (2013). Development of a Culturally Responsive Nutrition Promotion Course for Latinos. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences, 105(1), 10-17.
  14. Rios-Ellis, B., Garcia-Vega, M., Gatdula, N., & Galvez, G. (2013). Comienzo Sano: Familia Saludable Innovative Model to Address Latino Childhood Obesity through Community-based Participatory Research and Bilingual Family-focused Curriculum. Obesity Interventions Among US Populations: Evidence and Directions. Johns Hopkins University Press
  15. Frank, G. C., Beaudoin, J., Rascon, M., Garcia-Vega, M., & Rios-Ellis, B. (2013). Development of a Culturally Responsive Nutrition Promotion Course for Latinos. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences, 105(1), 10-17. PDF icon Download (PDF)
  16. Frank, G.C, Garcia, M. Ortega, E., & Rios-Ellis, B. (2012). Reducing Obesity Risk by Addressing Breastfeeding with Latina Moms Using Motivational Interviewing Techniques. Latinos and Hispanics in Dietetics and Nutrition Newsletter, Fall/Winter 2012.
  17. Rios-Ellis, B., Rascon, M., Galvez, G., Inzunza-Franco, G., Bellamy, L., & Torres, A. (2012). Creating a Model of Latino Peer Education: Weaving Cultural Capital into the Academic and Institutional Fabric of an Urban University Setting. Journal Education in Urban Society, 45(6). PDF icon Download (PDF)
  18. Rios-Ellis, B., Canjura, A.C., Korosteleva, O., Garcia, M., Bird, M. (2011). Rompe el Silencio: Break the Silence-Increasing Sexual Communication in Latina Intergenerational Family Dyads.  Hispanic Health Care International September 2011. PDF icon Download PDF
  19. Rios-Ellis, B., Espinoza, L., Bird, M., Garcia, M., Hoyt-D’Anna, L. & Bellamy, L. (2010). Increasing HIV-related Knowledge, Communication, and Testing Intentions Among Latinos: Protege tu Familia: Hazte la Prueba. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved. Supplement 21(3). PDF icon Download (PDF)
  20. Kaphingst, K.A., Lachance, C.R., Gepp, A., Hoyt D’Anna, L., Rios-Ellis, B., (2009). Educating Underserved Latino Communities about Family Health History Using Lay Health Advisors. Public Health Genomics, doi:10.1159/000272456. PDF icon Download (PDF)
  21. Rios-Ellis, B., Frates, J.,  Hoyt D’Anna, L.,  Dwyer, M., Ugarte, C.  Javier Lopez-Zetina (2008). Addressing the Need for Access to Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate HIV/AIDS Prevention for Latinos.  Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 10: 445-460. PDF icon Download (PDF)
  22. Rios-Ellis, B. & Gutierrez, J.A. (2008). Latinas and Deadly Sex: The Politics of HIV/AIDS Reporting. Manuscript published in on-line Journal of Latino Studies. PDF icon Download (PDF)

  1. Rios-Ellis, B., Organista, K., Becker, D., Espinoza, L., Bird, M., Galvez, G., & Rascón, M. (2013). Integrando Nuestra Visión: HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment through a Latino Lens of Community-Engaged Theory, Research, and Practice. Washington, DC: Report published by Unidos US. (formerly the National Council La Raza - NCLR). Download (PDF)
  2. Rios-Ellis, D. (2011). ¿A Dónde Vamos? New Directions for Culturally Relevant Latino Community Involvement in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Services Research. Report published by Unidos USPDF icon Download (PDF)
  3. Rios-Ellis, B. (2006). Redefining HIV/AIDS for Latinos. A Promising New Paradigm for Addressing HIV/AIDS in the Hispanic Community. Report published by Unidos USPDF icon Download (PDF)
  4. Rios-Ellis, B., Aguilar-Gaxiola, S., Cabassa, L., Caetano, R., Comas-Diaz, L., Flores, Y., Gonzalez, H., Lopez, S., Lopez-Zetina, J., Rodriguez Chandler, L., Leon, R., & Ugarte, C. (2005). Critical Disparities in Latino Mental Health. Transforming Research into Action.  Report published by Unidos USPDF icon Download (PDF)

  1. Garcia, M. L., Gatdula, N., Espinoza, L., Bonilla, E., Bird, M., & Rios-Ellis, B. K. (2020). Hablando Claro: Clear Talk! Applying an Intergenerational Approach to Prevent HIV Among Latinas. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 54, S251-S251.

  2. Garcia, M., Gatdula, N., Bonilla E., Rios-Ellis, B., Bird, M., Rascon, M. & Frank, G.C. (2019) Engaging Intergenerational Hispanics/Latinos to Examine Factors Influencing Childhood Obesity Using the PRECEDE–PROCEED Model. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 23(6), 802-810. View Article Details

  3. McDonough, M., Vargas, M., Nguyen-Rodriguez, S.T. Garcia, M., Galvez, G., & Rios-Ellis, B. (2016). Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte: The Effects of a Culturally-relevant, Community-based, Promotores Program to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening Among Latinas. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved, 26(2), 568-579. View Article Details

  4. Rios-Ellis, B., Becker, D., Espinoza, L., Nguyen-Rodriguez, S., Carricchi, A., Galvez, G., & Garcia, M., (2015). Evaluation of a Community Health Worker Intervention to Reduce HIV/AIDS Stigma and to Increase Motivation for HIV Testing Among Underserved Latinos in Three Communities in the Southwestern United States. Public Health Reports, 130(5):458-67. View Article Details

  5. Rios-Ellis, B., Canjura, A.C., Garcia, M., Korosteleva, O., Nguyen-Rodriguez, S., Espinoza, L., Bird, M., Malotte, C.K. (2011). Rompe el Silencio (Break the Silence) – Increasing Sexual Communication in Latina Intergenerational Family Dyads. Hispanic Health Care International, 9(4):174-186. View Article Details

  6. Allen, V.C., Lachance, C., Rios-Ellis, B., Kaphingst, K.A. (2011). Issues in the Assessment of “Race” Among Latinos: Implications for Research and Policy. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 33(4):411-424. View Article Details

  7. Rios-Ellis, B., Espinoza, L., Bird, M., Garcia, M., D’Anna, L.H., Bellamy, L., Scolari, R. (2010). Increasing HIV-related Knowledge, Communication, and Testing Intentions Among Latinos: Protege tu Familia: Hazte la Prueba. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 21(3):148-68.

  8. Lopez-Zetina, J., Sanchez-Huesca, R., Rios-Ellis, B., Friis, R., Torres, I., Rogala, B. (2010). Initiation to Methamphetamine Use in a Binational Sample of Women at the US-Mexico Border. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 9(1), 28–39. View Article Details

  9. Rios-Ellis, Britt, Rios-Ellis, Britt, Frates, Janice, Frates, Janice, D’Anna, Laura Hoyt, D’Anna, Laura Hoyt, Dwyer, Maura, Dwyer, Maura, Lopez-Zetina, Javier, Lopez-Zetina, Javier, Ugarte, Carlos, & Ugarte, Carlos. (2008). Addressing the Need for Access to Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate HIV/AIDS Prevention for Latinos. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 10(5), 445–460. View Article Details

  10. Rios-Ellis, B., Gutierrez, J.A. (2007). Latinas and Deadly Sex: The Politics of HIV/AIDS Reporting. Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies, 2(3):120-137.

  11. Rios-Ellis, B. (2006). Redefining HIV/AIDS for Latinos: A promising New Paradigm for Addressing HIV/AIDS in the Hispanic Community. Report published by Unidos US (formerly the National Council of La Raza), available at Unidos US.

  12. Rios-Ellis, B., Frates, J. (2005). The Latino Healthcare Professionals Project: Responding to the Diverse Needs of the 21st Century. Journal of Health Administration Education, 2005 Spring. 22(2):171-87. PMID: 15960024. View Article Details

  13. Rios-Ellis, B., Aguilar-Gaxiola, S., Cabassa, L., Caetano, R., Comas-Diaz, L., Flores, Y., Gonzalez, H., Lopez, S., Lopez-Zetina, J., Rodriguez Chandler, L., Leon, R., & Ugarte, C. (2005).  Critical disparities in Latino mental health. Transforming research into action.  Report published by Unidos US (formerly the National Council of La Raza), available at Unidos US.

  14. Rios-Ellis, B., Frates, J. & Lopez-Zetina, J. (2005). Developing HIV Prevention Information for Latinos: Trabajando por la Voz de la Comunidad. Manuscript under review by Health Education and Behavior.

  15. Lopez-Zetina, J., Sanchez-Huesca, R., Friis, R., Rios-Ellis, B., & Garrido-Ortega, C. (2005). Patterns of Substance Among Treatment Cases in the U.S./Mexico Border. San Diego and Tijuana, 1996-2002. Manuscript accepted with revisions for publication in Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

  16. Rios-Ellis, B. & Frates, J. (2004). The Latino Healthcare Professionals Project: Responding to the Diverse Needs of the 21st Century. Journal of Health Administration Education, 22(2), 171-187. View Article Details

  17. Rios-Ellis, B. (2004). BE SAFE: A Cultural Competency Model for Latinos.  Chief editor, first author of the Facts chapter, second author on the  Barriers to Care and Sensitivity of the Provider chapters.  National Minority AIDS Education and Training Center, Howard University Press, HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau, Grant No. 6 H4AH0066-0201.

  18. Rios-Ellis, B., Leon, R., Trujillo, E., Enguidanos, S., Dwyer, M., Ugarte, C., & Roman, R.. (2003). De la Palabra a la Acción: La Evolución de una Encuesta Nacional de Latinas y VIH/SIDA.  Ciencias de la Conducta, 18(1), pp. 78-104.

  19. Rios-Ellis, B., Dwyer, M., Roman, R., Leon, R., Enguidanos, S., Ugarte, C., Useche, B., Cruz-Gonzalez, Y. & Escabi, A. (2002). The Latina HIV/AIDS Needs Assessment.  Manuscript published in the proceedings of the World AIDS Conference in Barcelona.

  20. Rios-Ellis, B. & Carreon, R. (2002).  National Association of Community Health Centers, (2001). Every Step Counts…Cada Paso Cuenta. Principle Writing Consultant Responsible for Editing and Writing Program Guide and Training Manual. Peer reviewed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  21. Costa da Silva e Goldfarb, L., Rios-Ellis, B., Molinari, M. (2001). Latin America and the Tobacco Experience: A Recent Assessment of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay, and Peru. Report written for the World Health Organization/Pan American Health Organization based on the Initiative for a Tobacco Free World Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, July 23 to 26.

  22. Rios-Ellis, B., Bellamy, L., & Shoji, J. (2000). The Influence of Child-rearing Practices and School Social Norms on the Incidence of Ijime in Japan. Manuscript rejected for publication in The Journal of Research in Childhood Education.

  23. Rios-Ellis, B., Bellamy, L., & Shoji, J. (2000). An Examination of Specific Types of Ijime and their Prevalence within Japanese Schools. School Psychology International, 21(3): 227-241.

  24. Rios-Ellis, B. (1999). Focus Groups: A Research Tool for the Community. Manuscript requested for publication in the Midwest Hispanic AIDS Bulletin.

  25. De la Torre, A., Friis, R., Ellis, B., Hunter, H. & Garcia, L. (1999). The Health Insurance Status of Older Latinas: A Population at Risk. Border Health, 4(1), 23-31.

  26. Rios-Ellis, B. & Figueroa, M. (1998). HIV/AIDS. In Alan Henderson, Sally Champlin, & William Evashwick (Eds.),  Promoting Teen Health: Linking Schools, Health Organizations, and Community.  Newbury Park: Sage Publications. View Article Details

  27. Rios-Ellis, B. (1997). Ijime: Prevalence and Strategies for Prevention. Manuscript published by the Japan Center for Family and Child Research in Tokyo, Japan.

  28. Rios-Ellis, B. (1997). The Potential Impact of Program Planning and Evaluation on Organizational Effectiveness. Midwest Hispanic AIDS Bulletin, p. 1-2.

  29. Zambrana, R. & Ellis, B. (1995). Contemporary Research Issues in Hispanic/Latino Women’s Health. In Diane Adams (Ed.), Women of Color: A Cultural Diversity Health Perspective. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.

  30. Hackman, R., Ellis, B., & Brown, R. L. (1993). Phosphorus Magnetic Resonance Spectra and Changes in Body Composition During Weight Loss. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 13(3), pp. 243-250.

  31. Hackman, R. M., & Ellis, B. K. (March/April 1992c). Increasing Lean Body Mass During a Weight Management Program. Today’s Chiropractic, pp. 38-41.

  32. Hackman, R. M., & Ellis, B. K. (1991).  Increased Lean Body Mass in Conjunction with Fat Loss During a Comprehensive Weight Management Program. International Clinical Nutrition Review, 11(4), pp. 185-189.